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RE: Time to start looking at what others are doing

in #hivelast year

You need advertising otherwise no one hears about Hive at all. You can change incentives but if no one is aware of them its kind of pointless. We need to start doing what others are doing.


Word of mouth is the best advertising and right now the word on the street is that hive sucks because the top takes all they can get and says screw the rest.
It's the same thing they have been saying all along.
Coming up on 8 years of saying it.

It's not as true as it once was, now it takes the first 20 accounts to take half the pool whereas it was much worse in the stincy days.
But, nobody knows that because there are too few of us that see the tech as more important than the reaping of the inflation pool by people that already have centralizing amounts of hive.

Now he is leaving.
Think he will tell his friends to play our game?
Think a flashy wrap on a rally car will mitigate this maltreatment?
Maybe a tv ad?
Some billboards? I don't know if's post is ai generated, or not, but that is a good dude that has built apps that people are using,,, and I don't know how many more.

No, we have to overcome our rep in the market before we have a chance at succeeding, and that isn't gonna happen.
Barring a tech breakout.
'The whales' like things as they are, or they would change them.

Word of mouth is the best advertising.

Word of mouth doesnt work when youre stuck in the echochamber and no one is willing to leave it. Not even our biggest social media dapps care to talk about their project outside Hive. There can realistically be no word of mouth from the community.

Youre left with a few that are working to change that and with classic advertising.

Yeah, you may be right, it's hard to interest social folks in an app mostly dominated by the antisocial.

I wish you luck, sir.
And for the record, I wouldn't support the rally car absent the good job you have been doing on the videos.
Racing the car is one and done, those vids will live forever.
Please consider giving them their own account to be loaded up on so folks can find them easily?

Yeah, you may be right, it's hard to interest social folks in an app mostly dominated by the antisocial.

Yeah, thats putting it even better. I might have to steal that.

those vids will live forever.

That is basically where im coming from. In my opinion value for the car will really come mostly from how well we promote what wer doing with it to others in the crypto space and beyond.

I might have to steal that.

Feel free.

Is it possible to add stickers to the car for the well drilling project and the various frontends/dapps?
Maybe some qr codes for folks to scan when the car is in static display?