A way to ensure that the colony that we are building here will continue to be healthy and thrive.
Feudalism and tyranny are not valid models in a modern ecosystem - ethically, morally or even pragmatically.....(DPoS with dwovoting).
No tyrannies are 'healthy' - they're a slow motion car crash.
If you think there is tyranny on this platform then wht are you here? And why are you making a comment on my post when I am one of the most active voices against downvoting? Why post this comment on a post that is trying to bring people together. This is an open blockchain, what right do you or any one else have to tell an account that they cannot downvote content ..isn't that censorship? Or does censorship only go one way. I screamed from the rooftops about downvoting until I understood why downvoting is needed. I suggest you do the same.