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RE: What Happened to Hive? - And What Happened to Me?

in #hive4 months ago

This is the first post from you I have read - you write well. Thank you for not hiving away in some corner and refusing to share your life. There is something divine about being and sharing that with one another. I believe it is even more important in this technological and Information Age. You have a new follower in me. Thank you for your honesty.
P.S. this is my first comment in many moons.


Well, you know, it was precisely this need/want of sharing my thoughts with the world that got me into blogging. However, it was the blockchain with the culture of its own that got me to stay. Without comments I may as well shout out of my window, maybe someone will hear me. And yes, I totally agree that connecting with others, in whichever way, is truly divine, since we all are parts of a greater entity.