@cmplxty Thank you again my friend :)
As I told you the main problem inviting new members is that my vote value is to lowhard to grow.
and that’s where the things are stucking. @theycallmedan can vote on 500 people’s post on average $ 2/3 which is amazing but as you can see for us who don’t have enough Hive is
Anyways it will be a long process, but I’m sure that it will worth it.
By the way I’m thinking to grow our community with events, seminars and etc because that’s the way we can promote it and we can grow very fast.
In our country Bulgaria, especially in the capital Sofia, they are too many crypto events that I’m going to and I know a dozens of people who are going to be interested in it. The main problem again will be the money as you can imagine, but if we have at least 50 active users in a daily basis will be absolutely achievable goal.And one last thing in Bulgaria we are not using Twitter so the best way to promote the Hive community will be with events :)
Let me be honest with you- Before all of this, I want to grow my profile ( that’s why I’m so active), because it will be easier for inviting new people.
I already have 8 of my friends who are members of the HIVE community, but they are other bulgarians like
which are longer using the platform and maybe they should tell be better option for our community leader because - Yeah, I’m very motivated, but they have more knowledge than me.
I promise that I’m going to be at least part of “ strong middle class”.@manoldonchev ; @vesytz ; @myfreshes ; @iliyan90 ; @lightcapture @outlinez and etc.
Cheers :)
You are doing good work there. Thank you for all the efforts 😃