The Word of Mouth kind of marketing. Less reach, much quality of contact and highest conversion rate ;) When one person is doing it, it's swimming against the current. When some of that person's followers catch up and continue the deed it becomes a school of thought. A river of its own.
^ This person understands it and is putting much effort, indeed.
As for the word of mouth story.
True story @manoldonchev I started with @laracrofttt a while ago almost a month, now we have her:
Boyfriend @demanouil
Who invited 2 of his friend on the next day.
Exactly. bear in mind, many will fall off in time. But the more realistic expectations (it's a long-term potential, not a quick profit thing), the better. And we're looking for the critical mass of those who will stay until it's an avalanche of newcomers.
I know ;)