Turning Hive into Cyber Nations

in #hive9 months ago (edited)

Don't you think it'll be worthwhile to have Cyber Nations built on top of Hive?

My name is Immanuel I have spent a large part of my online time developing and thinking about the development of cyber country. And I believe it's part of my role in making this a reality.
The idea is to build a Nation/Nations on cyberspace where people who aren't satisfied with their current reality in the real world or find the current internet too restrictive, centralized and uncomfortable to build their life on can seek refuge. To be honest, the main reason I choose this path is to have a place in cyber world where my tribes men and women can continue to thrive when the real world and the internet become too tyrannical and dangerous for them to exist on. There were so much gang up and hatred towards these people for reasons that are not really strong enough. What they are accused of and hated for, other people are doing, even worse, and are tolerated. Then I began to suspect that there must be something special about this people that makes the enemy hate them so much, want them annihilated or subjugated. Later I realized it wasn't just them, there are others like them allover the world. I think they all share one thing in common which the enemy seems to hate so much, they refuse to bend to the enemy's will and they may be very spiritual. By the way, I was agnostic, or switching between agnostism and atheism, but because of these people I decided to try to be abit spiritual to fit in with them not knowing that I will be called from there by the LORD they serve to help guide them. My conversion experience was quite shocking, I wouldn't want to go into detail, but I want to tell you this truth, it was very real, never experienced anything like that before, I have been a believer ever since. I was even told that my role in crypto space which I joined before becoming a convert was destined for me. The whole thing began to make sense because I remember while working on certain Facebook groups, fan pages and a forum I created for the cause of my people, I sometimes thought of having Cyber society where we can be seperate from the rest of the world as a community and follow the kind of life they denied us. I think it was during that period I began to realize that crypto and it's decentralization could offer us that kind of life.
Well, while working in a certain crypto community and for startups, businesses, etc I noticed fellow members and I have certain things in common. There are the ideological ones who I think were trying to be free from the world they live in and from those who made them less free, to build an independent society. But some are pursuing this in ways I do not really fancy as I believe so much in following rules (the right rules) and doing things orderly, but they wanted the opposite, so this occasionally created, friction, suspicions and misunderstandings, and I left them for now to spend more time on Hive network, though I was part of the network in past but abandoned it along the way to concentrate more on the other crypto community.

Part of my goal on Hive is to continue from where I stopped, to help develop it into cyber nations where most the most basic things of life people need to survive and function as nation are available.

To be continued...