
Interesting. Why do you say that?

I say it because it's true and relevant. I've heard Justin Sun controls up to 10 million HIVE because not every Steemit-controlled account was known before the hard fork in which Hive was created. Therefore, there is a single entity (Justin Sun) who can dump HIVE at will. Technical analysis cannot predict the behavior of one individual.

The guy is an egomaniac for whom it is important that the price of STEEM be higher than the price of HIVE. That's why he froze the accounts of Blocktrades and some other former community witnesses on Steem. And that's why he's dumping HIVE.

For the rest of us that's good, because we get HIVE on the cheap when we dump our STEEM. And at some point, Sun is going to run out of HIVE to sell.

Ok, but how is he manipulating the HIVE market specifically?

By keeping the price lower than STEEM, I guess. It would stand to reason to assume that any time the price of HIVE tries to spike, it would be slammed down by Mr. Sun. Anyway, if the price depends on a single malicious actor like that, there is no reason to put much stock in technical analysis because it is meant to model the behavior of crowds, not individuals.

Ok, but I have HIVE charts up all day long and that is not happening in the markets...

What's the story behind the sudden collapse of the price of HIVE a couple of weeks ago?

Huobi got the airdrop but didn't enable trading on their exchange. Therefore anyone that received their HIVE could only transfer it out, which resulted in many selling it on bittrex.

I'm interested also with more information about that topic

See my comment to @jcornel above.

Hey hows it going