My Introduction

in #hive5 years ago


Let me start by introducing myself I am John Ugom Martins from Nigeria, IMO state and igbo by tribe am a graduate from one of the best University in Nigeria, Ibrahim badamasi babangiga university lapai lolz, am into graphics designs, digital marketing, Uber app programmer, I we love to explore all my tallets in this platform, I started blogging 2016 it was really fun at start it was difficult later I get use to it, I promise to make my stay here fruitful and contribute positively in this platform.
Am a serving Corps member in Anambra State I will be rounding up with service 16th of July I want to settle down but i needed cash I believe my job will bring cash for me in this platform cause money is important in my country cause of the situation going on. I needed to this graphic design in a bigger way I believe this place is the best place for me.

Thank you all for reading my blog


Can I ask whats sort of graphic design that you do?

Have you heard of Fine Art America?

This is my portfolio on FAA

and what about RedBubble? This is my portfolio on RB

They are POD- Print On Demand and you just sign up for free, upload you graphic designs onto their websites under you username and then sell your designs on their products.

They do every thing for you- they market everything, sell them, get them made, send them to the customer, deal with the returns and refunds and you get to decide how much percentage to charge on top of the cost price, which they will then pass onto you and the design will always be yours.

Quicker than making money here...

Wow thanks a lot I appreciate