My first blog on a true decentralized blockchain HIVE

in #hive5 years ago

Having a taste of something new could trigger enthusiasm.

![66D45F2D-6975-4FA2-B575-F9BE8166D823.png](UPLOAD FAILED)

I know that a whole lots of work are involved in making this hardfork a successful one.

I’m trying out this great achievement which is made possible by a communal decision.

Community is known for a cooperative effort and decision making.

I hope we can share more love here just as we’ve been sharing on Steem.

I’ll love to connect to all my friends and my favorite communities which I’ve subscribed to on Steem.

Challenges which may be fixed

During the time of this post, I found it difficult uploading a picture to hive text editor page, hope it’ll be fixed soon, please comment and let’s know if you’re having same challenge.

This post is also an experiment to know how engaging this new community of #Hive is in connecting our community members.

I’ll love to see my first Hive blog blog being read by our community, and commented on, etc.

I don’t expect everything to be 100 smooth and working at the earliest time. It’s time that we all test run our new Hive blockchain, pointing out issues and bugs 🐜 for fast fixes and patches.

Thanks to the team behind this great achievement.


Loyal friends always !!
