Hive has lower transfer fees compared to other major crypto coins. Network fee is only .01 HIVE which is negligible amount as of today's price.
You can your transfer HIVE to ecency wallet and make 12% api from ecency savings. This is how you can transfer from Binance spot wallet to ecency wallet.
- To do this, log into Binance and click on wallet from the bottom app bar.
- Click on spot wallet, that will list all your holdings in spot wallet.
- Click on withdraw button and search for HIVE.
- You will need to type in your ecency wallet address. Which is normally your ecency user name. Select network HIVE. Note that ececny wallets doesn't require a memo. Select number of coins you want to transfer and hit withdraw.
5.Make sure your wallet address is correct. Always do a test with small amount of coin and make sure you receive it before transfer in bulk.