Well said aggroed.
I think that splinterlands and hive work best together and are a big part of the growth that we have seen to date. I think that you and matt have added a lot to our chain and our community as have smooth and other witnesses and devs.
If we ever want to see hive and progress then it's important that the few of us who have been here since early days try to work together, progress the chain both technologically and financially which we have not done to this point.
Too much time and energy has been wasted on fighting over peanuts instead of all working towards a common goal of growing our chain and bringing in new users and developments.
We need more businesses to increase the price of hive which will lead to more interest and developments. We have people working hard on the technology side but it all needs to grow together.
This is one of the most positive comments in this thread!
I believe all this sniping and throwing shade going on is counterproductive. I see it on the Blog side, and in Discord.
Hive has its politics as every organization does. Differences of opinion are no reason to burn it all down.
I woud expect that witnesses and large stake holders would try to work things out, find a comprimise. HIVE and SPLINTERLANDS are good for each other, that is a nobrainer.
Peace, Abundance, and Liberty let that prevail in this discussion of what is best for both the HIVE Blockchain and Splinterlands!