Yeah it's a screwed up world but most of those feelings are ignited online while holding a device. Same damn place it always was when one shuts it off. Well, maybe a few trees died but that's not newsworthy, until you tack on a buzzword like climate change and blame someone, from your chair made of petrochemicals and mined resources located on the 23rd floor of that building that didn't just grow there, then beam it into several devices that all needed to be charged first. On the bright side at least an entire forest didn't have to be harvested in order to print books on the topic, like they did before, thinking nobody would notice. Then of course there's those conditioned to deny it but refuse to sit inside of their car while it's running inside the garage for an extended period of time with the doors closed because they know it'll kill them so just leave the door open and like magic that problem isn't a problem because smog is just fog and smells like roses.
Wait what were we talking about?
I seriously heard your comment in my son's voice XD I've become a fan of freestyling because of him. And he is very clear of mind, so the words he spits are magic, just like that. (Probably something to do with the fact that half the time he forgets he even has a phone, he definitely doesn't live in it.)
It's funny, my screennames have always been things like daydreamer247 or intheclouds or...dreemit, ha. I would never have thought that I would find myself so much more grounded than most! Nothing says the world is upside down quite like me being the voice of logic and reason, hahaha!