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RE: Investors 🤝 Curators

in #hive4 years ago

I only know what's best for me as well. Like when I said I want to see easy access to all Hive apps to be included along with the social setting/content distribution area - an all in one solution - that comes from being a lazy consumer. Didn't come here to hunt easter eggs LOL! Then I just assume developers and investors would benefit if these features were used more simply because using them doesn't become a battle to find them. I don't know that for sure, it just makes sense to me, and I don't expect to see a disorganized mess streamlined overnight either, just because I said it. Knowing I won't see instant results won't stop me from offering my ideas though. And I'll often repeat myself like I did here in the comments. You know where I stand on some things, others don't, so it's worth mentioning time and time again any chance I get until it clicks.