
In my opinion anything that doesn't harm the blockchain should be allowed. Plagiarism is theft and harms the eco-system as does reward farming.

I have seen large stake holders over the years drive thousands of active users from the old chain due to their definition of what should be allowed. If it is not harming the eco-system is shouldn't matter if you like it or not. Others will. Get over it.

We need users and a micro blogging app like this has the chance to target a whole new demographic of users. Personally I don't like it in its current form and think that it needs a separate interface for people to blog on. I don't want it appearing on my blogging feed, that is for my proper posts. I won't go as far as saying quality. 😅

I would like to see one that posts from hive to twitter and draws people back into the eco-system rather than the other way but that is where constructive discussion comes in. Not threats and flags. A censorship resistant version of twitter.

We need more apps. We needs more users. People bring value and engagement brings value. I have great fun on twitter since starting last year and spent a lot of time there now engaging with other crypto groups. If we could bring them onto hive for the same reason it would be brilliant but using stake to shut down potential development is a terrible idea.

I myself can't stand Twitter and feel(know) that low quality one liners or the sharing of posts that are already available on hive being shared again without any real purpose is a waste of bandwidth and will harm the platform.

Doubling the transactions overnight with no real purpose is not of benefit. Posting Hive content directly to Twitter itself for free advertisement is all the onboarding we need through this lazy feature.

If useless drivel becomes the norm, long-form content will fade along with the quality of the platform and any SEO we've earned will fade.

There's no benefit to making a twitter clone on Hive. Now, if someone wanted to HF their own version, have at it.

I will probably be one of many that'll move on if this feature is added with equal access to the rewards pool. IMO