Greeting to the family may God be with you all, welcome you all to my blog.
Integrity is all about sincerity and to be trustworthy it's upright in our character as a christian, believers it's to be honest not telling lies,not cheating but straight forward.
Integrity of a man is standing by your words no matter what happen it simply means the quality of a man which can't be purchase with money,the quality of a perfect condition of a man.
To be holy righteousness,meek, trustworthy as a christian and believers,some people we called themself born again christian but their nature and characters lack integrity a man that don't have integrity can't teach what we call integrity will always discharges his duties without fear or favour and he is ready to die for the truth and no situation will change him.
Man of integrity does not look up to man for honour but to God reward and a major reason why people lack integrity is because they want to be like others,no fear of God,they want the love, approval and honour of world and covetousness and lack of contentment.
Integrity of a man is the relationship between you and your God whatever you can't do to God, please don't do it to man because God is a witness between you and man.