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RE: Regarding Pharesim

in #hive6 months ago

Thanks for the constructive and honest talk. Glad we could clear up some old issues and can remove the personal factor from the equation now. Votes should be used for the good of the chain and nothing else.

Let's move on -> forward!


Hold tight until we learn more.
I still question the value of this

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 6.49.23 PM.png

$100K - $200K to come up with a plan ? I run a web2 gaming studio and a small top notch indie game costs this much.
That being said I believe you will do what you feel is best.

A "really effective marketing person"... Hmmm, I can see what I can do, for 100 - 200K. My resume is a little light on substance, I may not have much experience, but I'm fun to work with, enjoy creating plans, and can really create plans and plans can be created, ab testing and all that, long-term players, etc. Did this really say 100 - 200K per year? The best plans.

Right. Like WTF does that mean

I agree. Looks like another nothing-burger to me.