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RE: A few thoughts...

in #hive4 months ago (edited)

This isn't about you or Matt being busy, it's about aggy blackmailing, bribing and bullying. Well, and you defending him, which felt like a kick to the stomach.

If the combined net support gets higher that the return proposal it will be funded.

It was funded. Without this fuckery it still would be. And in this case the consequence is justified by the action.


Yes, I again agree.

Let me know what can I do to make you feel better.

For now, please focus on next week and get better as soon as possible. This isn't worth the stress, you have people who depend on you in much more profound ways.

Sorry for wishing you ill, that was not okay.

I don't hold grudges in general, but I learned in many hours of therapy to expect more from a friend. Telling me it's my own fault that someone goes on a vendetta against me just because you support their cause is definitely not it.

Thank you. If you stop typing, I will too.

I do have people who care for me. I am very well loved. I am Indian. We have large extended family as you very well know. And yes, they do depend on me emotionally.

I am not Aggy. Aggy is not CEO of SL. Matt is not Aggy.

If you have a problem with Aggy, you two need to sort it out yourselves. It is not necessary to involve others or make a public drama about it.

I haven't defended anything. I only said your actions have consequences. So does Aggy's, so does mine.

I didn't have a problem with him before this. I did tell you that I do not condone the backroom deals you're also involved with, but I kept quiet. Until I was attacked personally.

You still need to separate your feelings from this proposal.

Just cos you may have been mistreated is not a reason to take it out on the Splinterlands community...

Huh? You miss a lot of context it seems. Where did I go against any community?