
But do the dogs like the dog food. I think that is the question here...

That is the choice of the dogs. To choose is to be free.

It’s all about what you accept and what you plainly do not. I do think that many people do not want to speak openly about what they think… an over hanging DV could have something to do with this. Freedom is easier or harder depending on the social environment. Here I think that more and more people are self-censoring themselves. We all need to start asking the right questions and be more vocal about the underlying reasons for this… especially if we truly are a freedom centric blockchain.

If people truly want freedom they should set themselves free of their monetary thirst. Anyone can say anything they like but they have to look at themselves as to why they may not speak.

In direct opposition to that, where there is a monetary concern people suffer from the opposite affliction that being that they will say what they think people will want to be heard in order to be rewarded. It is a pendulum

Unfortunately, f you care about the money you will always have a master.

And therein is the problem. Money is a cruel task master… if one works for money one will always be its slave. If, however, one uses money (as the tool it is) then one can make money their servant… but in order to do so one must master one’s self. Being a slave or living free is all to do with the mind and spirit of man… more so than the medium of exchange and the implementation of value communication.

Comet Ranker@wil.metcalfe