I know Allen. Thanks for expressing it again as I know you've seen me express similar frustrations before, then not act on them ๐
That procrastination demon is the worst affliction a writer can have, I know some don't really get it much. Oh, what I would pay to be among them ๐ But seriously, it is just about removing distractions and going for it. I've promised to finish a three-part fantasy short story (Part One called - Red Days) only if you have time as I know you like all Spec fiction.
I'm going to try and get part two out tomorrow, as this week has had a lot of IRL distractions (some good which is nice) so I couldn't hit my own self-imposed deadline of today. Anyway, once I've got that published (I hate leaving things unfinished) I shall follow up on what I've said in this post removing all distractions, so I can focus on what is already a considerable amount of work I've done of sub-creation on wonderdraft (map-making software) and Scrivner.
It has been a pleasure interacting with you over the years, and maybe in a few years I'll pop back up announcing something exciting ๐
I'd love to keep up. Certainly pop back in and keep us updated.