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RE: Hive Keychain Proposal

in #hivelast year (edited)

It's great to see you got the funding @stoodkev and you can keep bringing new innovative and fantastic developments for keychain.

I've said it so many times, but it bears repeating, @peakd along with @keychain are the two tools most likely to bring mass adoption to hive from the traditional (long-form) writing world. Together they make things so easy and intuitive, especially if you've done anything with WordPress b4 as a writer.

To be honest, I've been hoping, and waiting, to see if @howo and @fredrikaa could come up with a reverse model to steempress. Basically, a way where people like me (who have written for 5.8 years exclusively on the blockchain) could easily batch transfer posts or even one post at a time to a WordPress account from e.g. their PeakD page.

I understand that many people on hive are focused on trying to convince web 2.0 to migrate over here because you get paid for your time based on peer review (or at least it should work that way) which is much better than the Ad revenue and affiliate marketing model that most web 2.0 bloggers implement.

But honestly, I have written so much on steem/hive over the last five and a bit years that I could make probably make a decent salary grouping my content together by theme and putting it on WordPress as well, then taking the time to promote it and build an audience. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done the same as me and written exclusively on steem/hive.

This could create a positive feedback loop as I would personally be putting a message on all my WP posts saying 'previously published on hive the most amazing peer-reviewed web 3.0 platform and set of Dapps out there. Join and potentially get paid even for commenting, or explore playing some of the many play-to-earn games' etc.

Just a little food for thought.

I hope you guys don't mind the tagging. This is an idea that has been gestating in my head for years, on and off, and then I end up forgetting it because my memory is crap. But I'm also not a developer, I'm a freelance writer, even outside of hive, so there's no way I could implement such an idea 🙃


Thanks for your support and kind words!
This seems like a good idea although I doubt @howo would have time to work on it with his current load as a core chain developer. It would probably require finding another dev.

I get that... too much work too little time.
I understand this in my life as well.

Maybe one day it might be implemented as an idea.

Thanks for your response @stoodkev👍