HI @owasco
I'm not going to completely recycle what I said to kaixin below, because that would be disrespectful. I appreciate our interactions over the years, particularly around both our fiction and poetry. But I strongly feel that hive is not the place for me to share that work anymore. It pretty much says why in this blog post, procrastination coupled with chronic illness is one hell of a kicker for limiting your time. If I can get 5-6hours/day of writing time for 3 weeks out of every 6 I am lucky. This is where I will repeat what I said below to kaixin because it is the plain truth, as I said to someone in a discord conversation yesterday:
This brings me to a very important conclusion, it's not about money (although maybe a little 😂) but the audience for my writing on hive is 10 people or less, if I put my time into writing my fantasy series, and get lucky (although I do feel I have the talent to be a contender) my audience could be millions. All any true writer wants is to be read. Is to create stories that make them cry, grit their teeth in anger, or soar away from reality on gilt and golden wings of beauty that this world doesn't hold. It's what they want, are driven to create, then share with the world, and I'm done with hanging around hive to share with 4-5 readers.
I have 5 different friends who were on the same course as me, who're now successful mainstream writers. 3 novelists, and 2 who write scripts for the BBC. It is time for me to put what little time I'm not feeling too sick to do much at all toward achieving similar goals.
Thanks again for being a good friend, and sharer in literary content down the years 🙂