Game make us energitic and socialize

in #hivelast year


Gilli Danda is most popular game which is played in our whole Pakistan. Mostly it plays in rural part of village. It is played by group of minimum 2 boys aged 8 to 12 years. This game is considered like cricket match. This game having different name in different areas.The oval shape hole is dug with the help of small stick. You can see the Gilli and Danda in pic. The Danda is healthy and large. Gilli is keep across hole and Danda is use for striking.

How to play

The interested players are divided in two teams for play this game. Two sticks are required for this. One stick called Gilli which is short in length nearly 3 inches and other stick called Danda which is large approximately 2 feet in length. Danda is used to strike Gilli into air. Players hit Gilli into air. the Gilli going to ahead and travel some distance.
Striker player having three chances for play.First time striker hit the Gilli by chance opponent team player catch the Gilli then striker player ruled out.

If the Gilli land safely somewhere in the ground then striker player said to opposite team that they give me 100 runs. If distance is minimum from Gilli and striker area then opposite team measured distance by using Danda.You can see how one player is trying to hit the Gilli to lob place into air.

He forcefully hit the Gilli into air. So gilli traveled long distance. Striker Player gave 100 runs. But distance was minimum. So other play is meauring distance from skriker area to Gilli point.

If first out then came second to play and get to take more runs for winning. So every player ruled out then second team come to play.


Team that score more runs wins the match. Suppose the first team made more runs as compared to opponents team then they won the match. So every team make more try to get more runs for winning.


This game is improving our hand and eye coordination. It gives competitive spirit. Game is very best for entertainment. We learn many things for playing. Game also gave freshness, positivity and free moods. By gaming our body get more benefits such as our muscles become strong for hitting any things.


When I lived in kot addu I watched boys playing this game but after shifting here to Faislabad I have never experienced seeing someone playing this game. This is so great to see something like this after so long.

Dear this game of villagers children
City children don't play