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RE: Hive: Why I am Considering Leaving After One Week

in #hive4 years ago

I keep to myself on here for the most part but I guess your boo-hoo story caught me on the wrong day. For someone who has been here for less than a week, you sound very judgy while preaching about judgy people.

Maybe try to ease into the bathwater before jumping in and blaming others that the water is too hot. There is a TON of information out there about Hive and a caring community of people who are always willing to help. Just look at all the kind words and info you received even after trash-talking a place that we all love.

Unlike others, I personally don't give two squirts of piss if you stay or go.

That being said, you seem like a great writer (not my cup of tea though) and a decent person that would thrive here when you find your niche.

Best of luck to you either way!


It was not my intention to "trash talk" the Hive, but rather to express my experiences as a newcomer. I was not expecting any response, and am overwhelmed and surprised by the (mostly) positive responses. I do appreciate your perspective, though, and that you said something positive about my writing even if it is not to your taste. So, thank you.

Actually @harlowjourney did spend time trying learn and understand the system here including talking to others. Unfortunately she ran into some with overblown sense of their own importance who deliver it like you, rudely.

Don't get your panties in a bunch. Your little cat friend decided to stay, despite my best efforts to dissuade her.

I have no illusion of my sense of importance here, and it's definitely not overblown. Nonetheless, I'm still entitled to my opinion.

I'll soon be writing a sob story post about how I'm leaving Hive after four long years because some egotistical big meany downvoted my comment and called me rude. :(

I hope you are happy with yourself for chasing away another good community member!

I haven't chased away a good community member, she's staying. You, well that's a stretch calling yourself a good community member.

Sadly I wasn't the downvote. I save downvoting to apply to really special idiots and you're just not special enough.

I will accept your backhanded compliment of saying that I'm NOT a special enough idiot to downvote and I will now stay on Hive. See, you can be a bridge-builder when you try!

Ummm... thank you?