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RE: Community Discussion - Enhance DHF Transparency and Boost Accountability through Proposal Tracking and Reporting

in #hivelast year

I'm reading this and I think I'm dreaming or even having deja Vu. For a while now I have been hearing some complaints about the DHF, which I consider to be an extremely important project in our Blockchain and therefore needs to be as transparent as possible.

I am faithful in believing that everything that is built in Hive should be transparent because it is something that characterizes us and it is one of the most potential messages that differentiates us in web 3.

I am a public accountant and when I think of this project and some complaints I have read the first thing I think of is "if you have an expense, that expense has an invoice and this document will be the tool to show that what you say is real" something similar I think of the DHF.

It's not about accountability because people may think wrong if they don't, the right thing to do is to do it and even faster when it comes to Hive.

I have not investigated in depth about some things, but I have considered in some conversations out there, that there are projects that should be analyzed very well, because there are unnecessary or rather avoidable expenses for example.

I have said it several times over there, it is necessary not only a delivery of reports, I think that an audit of what has already been done is also necessary. There is something called forensic auditing in accounting, this helps us to avoid some kind of fraud or losses in the future.