Maybe the system isn't perfect - but it's a system which can implemented very quickly on HIVE frontends.
The crypto market moves very fast - so we have to adept or we will end up like Steemit Inc.
We can make experiences and use them to craft a perfect solution into the chain later.
i like it if nothing else it's good to track how successful a campaign can be. i will try something in coming days. but that's just me messing about:P
has any front end implemented it yet? is already fully supporting it - including an API where you or dApps can pull data from:
I'll cover all those features, implemented yet on the @hiveonboard blog in a later post.
Other dApps will follow (eventually) - but someone has to have move first.
would be interesting if the tipping works to onboard new users with @lightproject
lol you mean with hivetips ? :)
Yep lol hive tips if they put a reff on the reply :p