I think hiveonboard.com is the best current option, although I feel some of the explanations & marketing are still a bit too esoteric for the mainstream.
Good point! I'll work on that in the future.
I think it’s problematic that both hive.blog and PeakD direct signups to signup.hive.io; I’d much prefer that to head to a single trusted source like hiveonboard. I feel like the instant bombardment on signup.hive.io of choices where to sign up, with some listing fees, etc. can be immediately off putting to curious potential users.
I'am working together with PeakD team to solve exactly this problem. The next update on will include an improved customer journey and full integration of hiveonbard.com into Peakd.
Just a sneak peak from https://beta.peakd.com
Amazing! Thank u
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That's looking so good! A much simpler and more welcoming start!
This looks exactly like what I was talking about. Users are getting confused with the onboarding process. It is not easy to understand if you are signing up for peakd or hive blog. With this new page, it seems it will be much simpler for users to sign up. As @bryan-imhoff mentioned and as I pointed out in the initial comment, sign up options and fees currently listed make it sound like you have to first earn or buy some HP to sign up.