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RE: 5 Months Into Learning To Play The Guitar

in #hive4 years ago

Sounds like you got some nice structure with your practice, it's probably much more useful to be able to play songs and know what you're doing than just play songs and have no idea what you're doing XD (which is what I was doing a hundred million years ago when I was learning bass XD)

Hope your hand has recovered :)


Haha, yes, I am one of those people who feel better when they know what they're doing (or at least try to understand). Thanks for the nice words, yes, my hand s better now. Why don't you get back at playing bass again?

Having to choose how I spend my time x_x my guitar was sadly one of the things I gave up on as I started pouring all of my spare time into my project.

It's right next to the computer though and probably needs new strings (the E string is probably going to attempt to kill me when I tune it) and an amp at some stage would probably be a good thing too (an unfortunate incident with a senile cat happened to my amp). My middle child expressed interest in electric guitar and I said she could use mine if she was interested in bass and she was going to for a little while but looks like she's going to stick to her original plan so I may end up jamming with her if she does end up getting one.