Ergh I hate mobile-first design! XD
mostly because I usually see terrible implementations of it
Glad you're still proceeding with this. Having made a few community sites in the past, getting users if you don't already have a bunch of people is a pretty damn hard slog. And sometimes even if you do have a bunch of people it's a pretty damn hard slog. I made this forum once for a group that felt that they had outgrown Facebook and wanted a full blown website, so I gave them one and like some server admins who want a channel for literally everything, they went a bit overboard having a board for literally everything they could think of on the forum, and then apparently some people found it "too complicated" and went back to Facebook.
I've probably already asked you this previously but have you searched communities for ones that do comics and roped them in?

Let's say mobile friendly then...
Thanks for the input. About adding Hive creators, you know, I've been thinking and I'm looking at this the wrong way.
I did contact hive creators but asking them to start using my tag. That's just not ideal.
Instead I'll create a Hive creator list myself that will be displayed to Inkito automatically. After all Inkito is a Hive front end so it should proudly and seamlessly display Hive content.
It's gonna look fantastic! ;-)
About the current design anything I should improve?
Use responsive design, the end goal there is to look good and work well on everything. My sister and I both hate mobile-first because all the ones we've seen, sites look and work fantastic on mobile devices (to some value of fantastic) and suck on desktops XD
I dragged my sister (The Designer from when we used to have our webdev business) over (not quite literally, she's kind of sitting next to me on a wheelie chair) and she says:
She also questioned your choice of blue (but I'm not sure which blue) and then it got busy and we got distracted, and also we're allowing for the fact you're still in alpha XD
UX-wise do you add the tags you need automatically if people submit stuff through Inkito? As that would remove the mental load of making sure you're adding the right tags for people (and having the ability to manually add the tags will be great for people who prefer whatever other front ends).
That's great feedback. Thanks a ton.
I'll implement all of that for sure. Nothing out of my league.
I might also try something completely different, just for fun.
For the tags, if a user posts through Inkito, the 2 necessary tags are added automatically and then I'm letting users choose the remaining. A good compromise I think.
Would you consider creating a community and having users post into it instead of only tags? We at @ocd have been curating manga/comics in the past and usually we direct them to The Anime Realm community due to lack of a more specific one, but having a community that also has a dapp on top of it would be great for growth and we'd be willing to host it in our incubation program where we try to grow niche communities. Would love to talk to you more about this if you're interested, this is my Discord if you can shoot me a message: Acidyo#2501.
Thanks for reaching out. I'm sure I can do both tags and posting in a community. I'll definitely contact you on Discord so we can talk more about this. Glad to have spiked your interest.