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RE: ⚠️ #CometWatch Advisory! ⚠️ BREAKING NEWS ABOUT #COMETWEEK! ☄️

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

Dreemport's Discord Channel
Right folks, I've pulled all of your names off of the comet week contest post and tagged you in this comment as @wil.metcalfe says he is doing the draws for #CometWeek this Friday LIVE @DreemPort! here is the link thanks to @kenechukwu97. There will also be a new @comet.ranker post out before the close of today explaining everything, so please look out for it! If I miss anyone out, my apologies. I've tried to grab all the names I could find of those who contributed during comet week to the contest and added a few who commented and seemed interested. Here goes: @cynshineonline, @ryzeonline, @phoenixwren, @shadowspub, @dreemsteem, @wrestlingdesires, @sunnyag, @kenechukwu97, @melinda010100, @jenina619, @aimharryianne, @heikki1337, @feanorgu, @cescajove, @officialuroga, @tattoodjay, @daniella619, @fotomaglys, @silversaver888, @bluefinstudios, @sofs-su, @rentmoney, @merit.ahama, @brittandjosie, @trippymane, @appukuttan66, @elcomentador, @garybilbao, @cmmemes, @purepinay, @burnoutawesome, @practicaleric, @wil.metcalfe. Please feel free to tag anyone else who you feel should know 😊


Nice job dear... I dunno where you get your energy from, but I'm always impressed with your level of effort at all times.

Thanks for that tag. I will surely be there because Dreemport's discord channel is a home to me. Hahahah. And I've got it's invite link embedded so, if you don't mind, I would like you to edit it into your comment 🙏🙏.

We are all waiting for @wil.metcalfe's day. I'm sure that it will be lit 😋

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Oh it’s gonna be LIT! 🔥

Link updated, thank you! :-)

Thanks mate, I am looking forward to @wil.metcalfe new venture :)

This is going to be a blast :) !!! Friday is going to be historic ☄️☄️☄️

Waw. Lots of energy on this.
Getting the names off the bulk of comments could be tiring, but you made it. Thanks.
Well, I feel nervous whenever I'm involved in a draw.
Good luck to everyone who participated!

Thank you Sam!!! ☄️

My pleasure😊

@fromdrab2fab i bet you never had a ride in a comet before... 😝

Live how? I've not watched any streaming things on Hive before, I'm a little lost, sorry. 😅

Will be there @wilmetcalfe. Thanks @samsmith1971 for the tag. Read @dreemsteem message on discord earlier.

Wooooo! This is awesome @samsmith1971 ! Thanks for doing this. Go CometWeek! 🙏

Oh wow, Ikr that it is going to take a while before all data can be assembled together and yippee finally it's here can't wait for it to be published.... And Friday is going to be a blast hahaha ... am feeling so good!

Whoooooo! Can't wait for more info! I'll be looking out for it! ❤️❤️❤️ oh and thanks for the tag @samsmith1971 ❤️❤️❤️

thank you for doing this @samsmith1971 !!!! way to help out!!!! 😍