Do You Need A Delegation!?! Some Updates Of My Delegations And Lets Talk About Hive Power.

in #hive2 years ago (edited)

Lets take a look at my delegations.

  • i created a lot of accounts and yes delegated at least 50 HP to each of them!
  • Sadly a lot of it is not used.

So lets take a look at the list.

Delegated: 39,226 HP

@phortun12,095 HPAug 1, 2022UPDATE @iliyan90 10,453 HPDec 6, 2021UPDATE @yangyanje 10,301 HPOct 30, 2021UPDATE @billymeyer 1,012 HPFeb 5, 2022UPDATE @miguelurbina 1,012 HPJun 6, 2022UPDATE @pixresteemer 304 HPNov 13, 2021UPDATE @hivelist 259 HPApr 30, 2021UPDATE @amazedme 103 HPOct 10, 2021UPDATE @hive-132175 103 HPMay 25, 2021UPDATE @janaliana 103 HPJan 18, 2021UPDATE @bensworld 103 HPMar 2, 2021UPDATE @badge-107955 103 HPMay 24, 2021UPDATE @captainquark 103 HPFeb 28, 2021UPDATE @clau-de-sign 103 HPMar 7, 2021UPDATE @amadeusthiemann HPOct 15, 2021UPDATE 103 HPOct 15, 2021UPDATE @needapencil 103 HPOct 30, 2021UPDATE @lucynch 103 HPOct 30, 2021UPDATE @option2-e 103 HPOct 30, 2021UPDATE @b4phom3t 103 HPOct 30, 2021UPDATE @hive-186555 103 HPNov 13, 2021UPDATE @kiel91 103 HPDec 7, 2021UPDATE @majinmeph 102 HPJan 25, 2022UPDATE @baqabond 102 HPJan 27, 2022UPDATE @mangodjango 102 HPJan 27, 2022UPDATE @lmn-manna 102 HPJan 27, 2022UPDATE @sickjamez 102 HPJan 27, 2022UPDATE @leladrowl 102 HPJan 27, 2022UPDATE @macaaron 102 HPFeb 3, 2022UPDATE @hive-195006 102 HPFeb 3, 2022UPDATE @swisshive 102 HPFeb 17, 2022UPDATE @mentalcoach 102 HPNov 25, 2021UPDATE @lukasbachofner 102 HPDec 5, 2021UPDATE @acroamanic 102 HPNov 30, 2021UPDATE @vali-el 102 HPNov 25, 2021UPDATE @markusmarthaler 52 HPMay 13, 2021UPDATE @makramee 51 HPFeb 4, 2022UPDATE @maitry 51 HPFeb 4, 2022UPDATE @theycallmedave 51 HPFeb 13, 2022UPDATE @satistella 51 HPFeb 13, 2022UPDATE @milusemila 51 HPFeb 15, 2022UPDATE @romanescoart 51 HPFeb 17, 2022UPDATE @trend-setter 51 HPFeb 18, 2022UPDATE @hivehelp 51 HPFeb 18, 2022UPDATE @karinschenk 51 HPFeb 23, 2022UPDATE @lolalila 51 HPFeb 24, 2022UPDATE @mpcdude 51 HPApr 21, 2022UPDATE @missmadowl 51 HPApr 23, 2022UPDATE @bluemefraueli 51 HPApr 23, 2022UPDATE @clauspiel 51 HPMay 3, 2022UPDATE @islandboi 51 HPMay 13, 2022UPDATE @h78 50 HPOct 3, 2022UPDATE @david.ducret 50 HP17 days ago

Received: 201 HP(Incoming delegations details provided by Hive Keychain)

Thanks a lot to my delegators!

@lukasbachofner 101 HPJul 23, @twicejoy 100 HP8 days ago @lokumberi 52 HP7 hours ago

If you are receiving a delegation...

  • Let me know you are still using it!
  • Make some advertisment for you, maybe you get more delegations from the exposure here.

I'm planing to delegate 10'000 HP to a project of my friend @blue.rabbit, but more about that when the time is wright.

Let me know when you need a delegation and why!?!

  • You can propose new users or projects as well.

What do I use my HP for?

  • You see that I do not position my HP to max my curation rewards.
  • Rather than that I am supporting people and projects with my stack.

Do you have experience with RC- delegations?

  • I am interested in where and what for you delegated.

Lets talk about it, I am open for all suggestions and ideas.

Thanks for taking a look today and see you soon beautifull people!

Stay happy and healthy

Bumblebee on sunflower- pic by @sandymeyer


Day after introduction of RC delegations I started delegating RC to users who just posted in #introduceyourself or #introducrion. Few days later I noticed most of these accounts were covered by @hiveonboard

Since then I regularely check list of @hiveonboard RC delegations looking for accounts with low RC to delegate some more from my stack. While talking to new users in the past I realized getting out of RC might be strongly discouraging in the beginning.

Very sensible that few are aware of RC. But I don't know of a sensible RC calculation tool, do you have one to calculate the required RC, how many RC should I delegate in order to be able to guarantee which function?


You can see calculation of HP to RC, but its your to decide how much is enough. Usually I start with equivalent of 9HP which ahould be enough for a beginner and then I add 11HP equivalent if I see more is needed.

There is also a nice list of your delegations you can sort in many ways.

I didn't figure out yet how to review my delegations and cancel those which are not being used.

Thank you for the very quick reply, I will keep it in mind.
I know what you mean by the equivalent of 9, but that doesn't answer my question.
But thank you for pointing me to @primersion. I appreciate it.

I suggest to delegate RC instead of HP. By this you won´t lose vote power and your account can grow faster (and do more good things earlier). The RC delegation with peakd works like a charm. 30 to 40 B RC should be more than enough for an account that posts and comments.

Du sagst 30 - 40 B RC genügt um einen fremd account zu betreiben (unterstützen), was deklarierst du mit B?Sorry @stayoutoftherz das verstehe so ich nicht!

Billionen - die Einheiten, in denen die RC angegeben sind, siehe Beispiel:



that means that I can easy switch my hp delegations to rc delegations...? without a loss for the reciver..? work it also on smartphone peakd version or only on pc..? sorry for a lot of questions but i am in a phase were i wanna do more than only post photos. and i am interested of what is behind the posts.... 🤔🔥

First you have to delegate the RC, then withdraw the HP delegation, in this order, so that the receiver would not suffer a loss.
Should work on the smartphone as well, but not sure. I only use it on the PC.

Thank you verry much!
I am going to update a lot of HP delegations into RC delegations. Thqnks for the number, I was still figuring that out 🍀

BEERHey @stayoutoftherz, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

Hey! It’s really great how you are helping others with your delegations!

Thanks a lot!! I don’t need a delegation, but I’m here to ask for a witness vote for me and @skatehive . I recently helped Skatehive to become a witness, but we are far down on the witness list and need more votes. So far I’m spending more to keep the witnesses running then what we receive from signing blocks. The idea is to help Hive, as we are strengthening the network and helping decentralize it. Would really appreciate your vote for both witnesses @mengao and @skatehive

You got it, will cast my vote and encourage some more friends to do so as well.

Realy stoked to see #skatehive becomes bigger and bigger. Realy exidet for the future of the skatefam here on #hive!

The #communityeddits are epic!

Thank you for puting in the work, and everyone reading this, support @skatehive!

This is a dedicated niche community, and the #hive spirit of freedom, ownership and much more goes so along with the skater- attitude.

This is the place to build decentralized skatebrands that sponsor effents, and ethen athlets and so much more. A lot is possible and it is build step by step!

And the content is amazing so check out @skatehive and go bunkers eith youre voting power!

All the best, greez

Thank you!! I can also see a great future for skatehive community.


BEERHey @mengao, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

HP Delegationen sind für Neulinge ein Segen, ich habe selbst schon davon profitiert.
Im Moment delegiere ich HP an das Thisisawesome Projekt.

Viel wichtiger sind jetzt RC Delegationen, dort delegiere ich an das ALIVE Projekt.
Weiter helfe ich einem Gildenkumpel aus Splinterlands, dort werden für Rentings usw. Jetzt mehr RC gebraucht. Dann ist da noch mein 2. Account, auf welchem der Renting Bot läuft.

Theoretisch könnte ich noch viel mehr RC abgeben, aber ehrlich gesagt weiss ich gar nicht wohin 😄


Ehrlich gesagt hab ich noch nicht richtig verstanden:

  1. Was der Unterschied zwischen HP und RC Delegation ist.
  2. Wie man RC delegiert.


Nevertheless, I would like to add something (my personal interpretation), RC is based on West what the what the Betribsfähgkeit represents (comparable to eth with gas) but just different, because dan Das has constructed and just not Vitalik.
Now RC are free of capitalistic values and can be used for the operation of an ACC without having to give away the economic value (mining through STAKIN and curation (based on its WEIGHT))!@captainloken has already explained it well and given technical instruction.

  1. RC alone can do a lot of places, I feel the easiest way is through peaked.coim.

But only if you really know how many?!

As an old RPG veteran, I see RC like Mana. It stays with me, but must regenerate.
Do you know if there are projects where you can get rid of your excess RC?Thanks @blue.rabbit for your additions. I think the RC system is much better than gas at ETH.

Also ich verstehe das so: RC also Resource Credits werden für on chain Aktionen benötigt. Du bekommst RC durch deinen Hive Stake.
Vor dem Hardfork 26 war das quasi gekoppelt, nun wurde es insofern getrennt, als das du jetzt RC Delegationen machen kannst ohne dabei HP zu "verlieren".

Zu 2. Auf PeakD in der Wallet gibts neben deinen HP ein Lupensymbol. Dort kannst du RC Delegation verwalten.

Ah ok. Danke für die Erläuterungen! 👍🏻

Ich bin leider spät zu der party haha
Rc geht nach vest ja :) in den Kommentaren steht schon sehr viel dazu. Ich nutze @peakd für die dellegationen oder @keychain auf dem smartphone. @peakd geht aber auch gut übers smartphone.


BEERHey @borsengelaber, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(5/10)@sandymeyer! to your account on behalf of @captainloken.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Irgendwo hab ich mal was gelesen von rc pools. Muss ich aber nochmals recherchieren wie wo genau.

Ich denke es gibt noch viel potential in settings etablieren von den devs, zum beispiel die option dass die dellegation automatisch gecanceled wird sobald der account selbst xHP erreicht hat, etc.

Vieles wird noch folgen, und RC wird noch ein ganz grosses Thema.

@satayoutoftherz hat es recht gut beschrieben im kommentar hier oben :)


BEERHey @captainloken, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

Und danke vielmals fürs offenlegen, finde ich immer sehr spannend wie andere sich organisieren und welche strategien sie sich zurechtlegen :)

Greez, more !BEER 🍻

BEERHey @captainloken, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

hallo sandy... danke für dini start-delegation. han dir au scho was zrugg delegiert. macht das eigentlich sinn...? und lah mich doch wüsse wennd meh über RC usegfunde häsch... bin au am nah forsche. und schuscht hani au scho ca. 1000 HP umedelegiert....🔥

Yeah, voll hani gmerkt! Du bisch effektiv de ersti wont dellegation retourniert het!

Danke dir vielmals, ich finds so inspirierend wie du da abgasch!
Echt genial wiet dich da uslebe chasch, und wow a reputation vo 67 i dere ziet schaffend au wenigi!

Freu mi uf no ganz viel geniali fotene vo dir mit abgfahrne perspektivene und no viel meh! Und au druf mit dir uf fotopirsch z gah wenner denn wider retour sind 🍀

Is das cool :-) ich hab noch nie switzerdütsch in geschrieben form gesehen! Gefällt mir.

Bin jetzt über @lukasbachofner hier gelandet weil er im discord nach RC delegation gefragt hatte.

Ich hab die Hälfte meiner RC an den Alive tribe delegiert. Hmmmmm, @wearealive oder @youarealive . Einer ist für RC der andere für HP Delegation beide zahlen rewards dafür (Alive oder Alivem token)

Auch weil die WeAreAlive Leute total freundlich und hilfsbereit sind.

RC sind natürlich auch gut für newbies, wobei sie mit HP halt auch schon curation rewards bekommen was ein Anzreiz für mehr Engagement sein könnte.

LG aus Österreich

BEERHey @lukasbachofner, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Here is a little token of appreciation for your generosity ;)

@tipu curate 5

Thank you 🍀

BEERHey @phortun, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hello Sandy! What a wonderful service you are providing to the community by doing this! If you're looking for a place for some to land, feel free to delegate some to our Drone community! It's used to provide upvotes to our drone posts, and occasionally upvote other manually curated quality content. It's currently running on my delegated Hivepower.

BTW, we had another fantastic group of posts for our weekly contest this week. I'll be posting the winners post tomorrow morning. Be sure to check them out.

I strongly believe we will get support from Sandy
He's started a wonderful project

I did want to make some HP available for the drone community for shure!

@ksteem you do such a good job with that community! It is spot on and I love to read youre blogs here and there! You will deffinetly get more support as it is so deserved! I shure hope @ocd will soon start curating in that niche as well, or do they already?

All the best and thak you for everything you put in. Building on #hive takes consistancy and you got it!

All the best and greez


That would be awesome. I don't know how to do any auto-payout or anything like that yet, so any delegations would be just voluntary support for now, but willing to learn if there's a demand for it and I find some help on it.

I haven't seen much ocd curation there yet, but would be very nice to show value for all the great posts we get in there. It really fits the definition of a niche group perfectly!

BEERHey @ksteem, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Good day Sir

It doesn't have any 52 in front of it.
Thanks so much for your kind support I'm grateful for your mention but my hive name is @lokumberi

Sorry, I missed a space in the writing haha I corrected it ;)

Thanks Sir

Good day Sir
I hope you are well
I have made a another post, please

BEERHey @lokumberi, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Good day Sir
I hope you are doing well.
Wish your country well in today's world cup match
I have also posted an aerial pictures on my blog
Many thanks

Doing my best with some 400 - 500 upvotes distributed to approximately 200 different accounts every week, a vast majority of that manually of course. Plus using my HP (with your generous delegation) to reward the participants of my contests and giveaways. Thank you for your incredible support and help Sandy! :)

Thank you for the amazing effort you do!

@phortun is verry consistant and allways supporting smaller accounts. If you have a spare delegation and read this, you can't go wrong with @phortun.

Every amount helps as he supports a lot of projects and initiatives, all manualy!

!WEEDOne more time, thank you for the effort @phortun, people like you make hive thrive!

Thank you for all these kind words Sandy! I will do my best :)

Cheers & greetings from Czechia to Switzerland!


If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP@sandymeyer passed you the virtual joint!

Thank you! :D

BEERHey @phortun, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

Maybe I come back and ask for delegation if some more Lightpainters join HIVE.

GREEZ 🍀Umbedingt! Für lightpainter bin ich immer da! Dank mafu bin ich hier auf #hive

BEERHey @lichtkunstfoto, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey Sandy, finde es Klasse, dass du so viele hier unterstützt. 👏🏻 Mich eingeschlossen. Vor allem den Neuen hilft das sehr ein paar HP delegiert zu bekommen.
Mach weiter so, freue mich immer sehr über deine Upvotes, V4V Streams oder Kommentare.

VG !LUV und ein schönes Wochenende!

I arrive late to this post, but I'm curious about your take on political content on Hive. This kind of topic somehow I have seen that it's not in good standing in general terms. But, it's not possible to build an space here, based in the "just the facts" approach to discuss events and news, where people passionate about politics could make their inroads and get some curation in a regular way if the content worth it? A few projects have arised but I don't see any of those very well established yet. Just thinking about it.
Best regards and thanks for your approach helping newbies with the resources they need, an effort replicated by others like @deepresearch, as I see in other comment below.

Super aesome how many people you help out. Thanks for building HIVE!!


Thanks for checking by!

BEERHey @dkid14, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hi @sandymeyer, the current HP delegation is used to upvote through this Hive Curation Trail

Any delegation to this accounts will help @hypeuser @miguelurbina (already delegated 1000HP)

Some information about what we are doing here:

Any question please ask. Thank you very much for your help.

Hi @sandymeyer, you can also delegate more hp to @billymeyer, he is a user.

Much appreciation for the delegations my dear friend. They really helped me to allocate my RC's to support others in the same way. You're truly someone who has genuine intentions and when one knows you, one realises these are from the depth of your heart. I only knew very few people like yourself.

Whoa! that sure is quite a few accounts. where they all new accounts or are they owned by all different people? was the delegation to help out newbie hivers with RC problems?

Great work supporting new hivers


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
(5/20) @dkid14 tipped @sandymeyer (x1)

Send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!

I have already used the RC Delegations.

I delegated 100 G RC to @ocdb since I never use all my RC, and they use this Resource Credits to claim more account creation token to use on

Until now, I was not able to find other projects that will need RC to delegate to them.

About HP delegations, are you available to make delegations for curation projects in specific communities?

I think the @sportstalksocial community (being a community about sports) and that in my opinion can have a lot more users coming from other platforms here. However, there is currently no curation project on sport and now one is trying to reach new users from other platforms.

So I had already thought about this idea, but since I don't have significant HP, I ended up to put on hold the idea.

Can you support this initiative?

Greetings @sandymeyer! It is splendid and heartwarming to read search such a great loving Hive Post. Thanks for the steps you have taken supporting various communities and Individual Hivians.

I am @jude9 and it's my humble plea to support delegating HP to Ghana Community I and my Teams have planned to create.

We fill enough space here in Hive, but we don't have any country -specific Community.

To our vision and how enthusiastic we are, we think it would be good to have one created with some support.

I and my team mates are committed to work hard to make this HP delegation productive if we are considered.

Is there any guidelines or procedure you can guide us about how to go about this application? Thanks for this great opportunity 😊. I am @jude9!

What do they mean when they say: we don't have a country-specific community?
What do they do at all? I haven't seen your project yet, but I'd love to check it out! Can you please help me to understand it?Hallo @jude9

Hi Sandy!

It should be giving out a more noticeable upvote to skate content on Hive.
Stoken has been created on hive engine and will launch soon.

I appreciate any thoughts you have on this!
zack (web-gnar)

You should delegate to @stoken! The stoken account curates @skatehive's content and publishes a neat 'zine every week! Thats why im working on the video game! We want to make a website like @proofofbrain and use Stoken on it, curating cool action sport content, and I want to have my video game on the site, and integrated with hive with high scores! oh! and (ANYONE READING THIS) if you could, vote for the skatehive witness that @mengao is helping run!

But please inform me when you are real with stoken?!@web-gnar Stoken is not tradable on hive-engine.

will do! it should be available some time early next year!

Thank you for your quick reply.

also, check out the video game im working on called Quest for Stoken!

cheers!if you want to keep up with the status of @stoken, join the skatehive discord.

Good day Sir
Please i have posted an aerial photograph

Good Day Sir
I have made another post

Congratulations @sandymeyer! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You distributed more than 67000 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 68000 upvotes.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Recap of Day 9
Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2022
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Check your ranking

Good day sir
Hope you are fine

That is awesome, we have been getting delegators to our @stickupcurator account and have been offering 15% APR rewards! We are doing it as we want to support music and arts across Hive! Good work on what you are doing supporting people! We love Hive!

coole Sach :)

Hi, the Cuban Hive community is very active in the ecosystem. We would love to have your support, thank you!

I'm just another hiver. I stumbled upon your post because I received a vote from one of your moderators. @hivecuba is a community led by @manuphotos and we have a Telegram group to help and support newcomers to #Hive. We are in favor of growth but through creative, original and quality content. In fact, @manuphotos is promoting a proposal to detect plagiarism in the ecosystem. You can approach our community whenever you want. We will welcome you with love.

Greetings from Havana


Translated with (free version)

Thank you @nanixxx for the suggestion, we'll always welcome all the support in favor of improving our community and promoting Hive in Cuba.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 131 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

!BEER 🍺🍻

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Wow, thank you for the cat kitty!
I allways tell my friends they should upload their cat videos to hive, I mean didnt youtube became big with cavids?

!BEER for the kitty!

BEERHey @cuddlekitten, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

BEERHey @cuddlekitten, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.