The only logical way to do away with the DHF would be burn the HBD and remove the code. The part of inflation allocated to it would shift to something else or could perhaps just be deleted also so there is less overall inflation.
Sure.. we don't have a fancy means to request funding but honestly getting rid of the bad vibes and optics of trying to get funded when it's like 9 accounts that control the power to get funded would be great.
It's one less piece of drama, one less piece of complexity in the system, Simplicity is often better. Don't try to do everything and be shite at it all. Become excellent at a few core things and thrive.
It's one reason layer 1 smart contracts are never going to exist on HIVE, keep the core chain simple and focused, build smartcontracts on L2/L3 etc.
I'm not sure what I'm for really. Just doing away with the DHF would be the easiest route, fixing it or making it at least better would take some work.. and there are those who say leave it it's fine, probably citing that it's designed to work with a larger userbase. News flash though we don't have that userbase.
I was one of those people for a good while, it'll work better if more people are just involved. But I'm not that naive anymore.
There is a way.
There is a way to use it to bring about a more balanced system.
People are unwilling to hear a lesser well spoken theory. Yet when someone more known can add some eloquence. People hear because of who said. Not the message said.
I have listened in the Hive server for months now. People hear what confirms they already think and dismiss anything outside.
The majority of new names to the server are project related. Yet none have time to talk about the solutions they say they seek.
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