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RE: Hive, you have some real problems. So let's talk about that.

in #hive8 months ago (edited)

You mean congress and the senate won't pass term limits? Say it isn't so!

I really always liked @timcliff and I hope he's doing well. His account looks like it's been dormant a year or so too, with a random reblog here and there and last post in 2022 I think?

But he's still a witness. #30. As much as I enjoyed him as a person, I have to wonder how that can possibly be possible when its so hard for an active witness to move up against the tides of incumbent and entrenched power. But I guess as long as that node is running, its paying and technically more nodes is good and hes a better hands off witness human than some of the hands on witness humans. So I dunno man, I dunno.

But a lot of OGs like me and several others seem to simultaneously be resurfacing in literally just the past few days. And I'm wondering if change is in the air. Maybe it is?

Maybe there are some surprises in store for the near future? Maybe...


I am still here :) Hope you are doing well too @sircork. It's been a long time!

As far as my witness position, I'm here as a "backup". I was voted out of the top 20 a long while ago. I mostly lurk, keep up with the "important gossip" and throw my "2 cents" in every now and again.

I'm ready to serve as a top witness again if the need ever arises. I doubt it will, but that's mainly what the backups are for.

There is a lot of inertia with the witness voting process. It is really hard to move your way up, but it is also relatively easy to stay in the mid level once you have put the work in to get there.

I believe the intention is to find trustworthy and competent backup witnesses, so once you have proven yourself as one, you can generally stick around as long as you do the work necessary to keep your node up to date with the latest hardforks and be available to support if/when needed.

In theory active stakeholders could make the backup witness positions (and top witness positions too for that matter) more competitive, but having super active stakeholders who spend a lot of their personal time in the best interest of the chain/project has always been a bit of a pipe dream for Steem/Hive.

I am SO glad to see you reply :) And the timing AND your thought provoking insights are right on time too, because of this just now going live:

I am thrilled to hear you are keeping healthy and dialed into the place, I did the same. People think I was gone for 2 years but I was watching, listening, waiting for the right time for my OWN health and sanity to rejoin the fray and throw my hat into this mess we love so much.

Don't be a total stranger. You were always a role model, and its likely I could use plenty more shining examples to learn from like yourself!

Awww. It's Tim.

Hey mate! Miss you.

I stopped asking for a new 'whale experiment', it was just making me upset.
And, not even over who picks the witnesses and passes the proposals, just the pool, but, no soap.
Nobody buys into a game where the top 20 stack the deck.
Year after year.

But, iirc, I was told that blogging was not the final destination, just the beginning.
Over 8 years later we have movement on that wire.
Maybe vsc can pull us out of the doldrums.

It is kinda strange that folks are popping up out of the past.