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RE: And there I was, thinking i could avoid politics

in #hive8 months ago

Never feel bad for being accurate. Hell I was there myself, 5000 years ago... Now this old post of mine is as relevant as it always was, and in current context, you might find it amusing, despite it being well past its shelf life. But for the lolz, here ya go:


for more lolz I checked the last conversations I had with him. Didn't see me having a grudge, but I did encounter a community leader who doesn't care about his community


And who doesn't know how the chain he supposedly cares so much about works...


Long time ago. I didn't even know he's still involved with SPL, thought he got fired and started his own company.

For reference - some People in the earlier days took massive advantage of the exploit to see what's inside a pack and just grab only those, that contains gold foils + legendary cards and put over the crap-pack to engine ... and repeat. if someone wonders how some early players are have such big collections. read more:

"but I did encounter a community leader who doesn't care about his community"

He cares about them when he needs to exploit them. Or tell them that they must choose to eliminate long time friends to keep their roles within his initiatives, and I could go on and on but I already did, 2 and 3 years ago, published it all, it led only to my own anger eating me from the inside out. It's 50% of the reason I left for two years and when I finally had a hankering to come back around, I did some poking into things and found much of the same muchness continues. Don't let it keep you awake, but I sense a level headedness here in you, that it shall not.

Just stay the course of "doing the next right things" and hold people accountable. You are in something of a position to have that capability. It appears to me, you will do just that.

But remember, its a cult of personality, and with only so much cult and so much personality involved with this rather tiny ecosystem, you also have to choose your battles. But I sense you know that too, and half a million for some subjectively thin "maybes" and "ideas" is something I would hope our top 20 witnesses would scrutinize with a magnifying glass, and not just support blindly because of "somebody did something 7 years ago, sort of a little bit, maybe, once upon a time".

Carry on Sir, you have my respect and fwiw, my now worthless and powerless witness vote.

I'm just a little shocked that the guy who ran the company down by betting on a perpetual bull market is still involved in collecting money for the same company. And even more so than the official CEO seemingly.
Before this, I was just in doubt that the money will be well spent. Now I do assume it will end up in certain private pockets. Time will tell if I'm right or just paranoid.

Now I do assume it will end up in certain private pockets.

It's hard to avoid jumping to that conclusion. I don't think you are being paranoid.

Stay vigilant Sir. Your instincts serve you well, based on historical and empirical evidence.


Someone warned me about this but I didn't gave much attention to it previously. MY LIFE WAS A LIE 😭

One question @pharesim ! Is this still same? Or they fixed it (asking to clear doubts of readers)? Otherwise someone would think this information is too old and is irrelevant now.

Someone warned me by saying "they ain't real nfts".

Nothing changed.

I just got a reminder that I even wrote a PSA about it