Criando contas na HIVE blockchain usando Chaves Publicas!

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

Para gerar novas chaves offline é recomendado usar steem-paperwallet ou se você não se importar com segurança hivetasks

E para criar a conta você deve ter uma conta propria e pode usar meu site ou account creator do hivetasks

A vantagem de criar uma conta usando chaves publicas é que você pode criar uma contas para amigos ou desconhecido sem precisa saber das senhas deles, outra vantagem é ter as chaves privadas totalmente offline, pelo menos a chave master e owner.


Codigo do site que criei html e javascript, você pode copiar o codigo e salvar como index.html que funciona localmente;

 <!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Account Creator</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>


<input type="text" id="creator" placeholder="username" required="required" name="creator" />
  <label for="creator">Creator Username</label></br>
<input type="password" id="wifkey" placeholder="Private active key" required="required" name="wifkey" />
  <label for="wifkey">Creator Private active key</label></br>

Write or upload public keys in json
<input type="file" id="fileobj" onchange="importFile()"><br>
<input type="text" id="newaccountname" placeholder="new username" required="required" name="newaccountname" />
  <label for="newaccountname">New Account Name</label></br>

<input type="text" id="pubownerkey" placeholder="PUB Owner key" required="required" name="owner" />
  <label for="owner">Public Owner</label></br>
<input type="text" id="pubactivekey" placeholder="PUB Active key" required="required" name="active" />
  <label for="active">Public active</label></br>
<input type="text" id="pubpostingkey" placeholder="PUB Posting key" required="required" name="posting" />
  <label for="posting">Public Posting</label></br>
<input type="text" id="pubmemokey" placeholder="PUB memo key" required="required" name="memo" />
  <label for="memo">Public memo</label></br>

<input type="submit" class="enviar" onclick="Enviar();" value="Enviar" />
<input type="submit" class="enviar" onclick="reset();" value="reset" />

<div id="pubkeys" name="pubkeys"></div>
<div id="resultado" name="resultado"></div>
function Enviar() {

    var creator = document.getElementById("creator").value;
    var fileobj = document.getElementById("fileobj").value;
    var wifkey = document.getElementById("wifkey").value;
    var newaccountname = document.getElementById("newaccountname").value;

    var pub_ownerkey = document.getElementById("pubownerkey").value;
    var pub_activekey = document.getElementById("pubactivekey").value;
    var pub_postingkey = document.getElementById("pubpostingkey").value;
    var pub_memokey = document.getElementById("pubmemokey").value;

    document.getElementById("pubkeys").innerHTML = 'Account Name:' +newaccountname  + '<br>Owner: ' + pub_ownerkey + '<br> Active: ' + pub_activekey+ '<br> Posting: ' + pub_postingkey+ '<br> Memo: ' + pub_memokey;

    if (newaccountname != "") {
    hive.broadcast.accountCreate(wifkey, '3.000 HIVE', creator, newaccountname,
     {"weight_threshold": 1,"account_auths": [],"key_auths": [[pub_ownerkey,1]]},
     {"weight_threshold": 1,"account_auths": [],"key_auths": [[pub_activekey,1]]},
     {"weight_threshold": 1,"account_auths": [],"key_auths": [[pub_postingkey,1]]},
     "{}", function(err, result) {
      console.log(err, result);
      document.getElementById("resultado").innerHTML = result + "Err: " + err;

function reset() {
document.getElementById("newaccountname").value = '';
document.getElementById("pubownerkey").value = '';
document.getElementById("pubactivekey").value = '';
document.getElementById("pubpostingkey").value = '';
document.getElementById("pubmemokey").value = '';

function importFile() {
    var importedFile = document.getElementById('fileobj').files[0];

    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function() {
      var fileContent = JSON.parse(reader.result);
    document.getElementById("newaccountname").value = fileContent.account;
    document.getElementById("pubownerkey").value = fileContent.keys.owner;
    document.getElementById("pubactivekey").value =;
    document.getElementById("pubpostingkey").value = fileContent.keys.posting;
    document.getElementById("pubmemokey").value = fileContent.keys.memo;
      // Do something with fileContent
      // document.getElementById('json-file').innerHTML = fileContent;  



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