Curation rewards vs author rewards

in #hive11 days ago

There are a bunch of metrics I pay attention to when it comes success on the Hive blockchain. Such as amount of genuine comments on a post, views, vetting if they are just bot comments or real people. Checking to see if the author responds to comments or just ignores them. And of course the upvotes, reblogs and value of the post comes into play as well.

But one that can be very telling, is comparing your curation to author rewards. Yes people with more stake generally get more attention on their posts, but those people who are really good authors and stand out from the rest can be seen this way. Of course some are just good friends with curators, no doubt. But others just make great content and stand out all on their own due to their quality posts.

So one easy way to tell if you are doing good blogging on Hive is to compare your author to curation rewards.

If you make more as an author than a curator you are doing very well.

As my stake has grown I found it harder and harder to reach a 1:1 curation/author ratio. It is just the system balancing out itself, the reward pool is doing what is suppose to do. That is a good thing.. its honest feedback.

In order to earn more I would need to greatly step up my quality of content. Just making more posts is not the solution, but to make the same posts just better.

During my dolphin and early orca phase in my stake I would commonly see my author earnings higher than my curation. But as my stake is approaching whale levels I have seen a divergence in this trend.

@azircon's post:

Shows stake only gets you so far, but it can surely get you quite the boost in the short to mid term in stake amounts.

Which is a good sign of feedback if I wanted to grow more. Though I am quite content earning what I do, and very thankful. But its good to know there is room for myself to grow.

But I know many that do very well here and surely do exceed their curation earnings. But many of those are exceptionally good content creators.

So if you find yourself lacking comments, or up votes consider powering up some Hive. But of course you need to make good content as well in order to be successful. But having stake really does help.

It will allow you to upvote other like-kind authors, and if they like your content as well they just may return the favor. And having this ability to support each other can get you really far.

You can compare your author rewards to your curation rewards at
As an example


Curation/consumption is more my game as I am not as comfortable creating content. Weird maybe or maybe just socially awkward lol

I'm a horrible curator.. it's all weed and boobies.. guess I'll have to stick to content creation and spam comments...


Ya right!

You are one of a handful of folks I have followed since steem and pumping out consistent & authentic content the whole time.

But a horrible curator

But many of those are exceptionally good content creators.

Exceptionally good content creators have always advantage, but it would be nice if they stake everything they earn.

Or at least keep the HP rewards and participate in the curation and engagement as well. 😅👍

It is definitely a neat ratio to look at to gauge your progress.

All time, my curation rewards are about 13% of author rewards. That is a bit of a silly ratio as that includes years with dust as a stake all the way up to ~25k where I am presently.

I would say the 30-day stat would be a better indicator but I have screwed that up with a month with a little too much life getting into the way of blockchain. 6.31% seems a little skewed as my stake actually means when I can’t make the time to spin a yarn.

That might be in part to the fact I have never used an auto voted and all of my 10s of thousands of upvotes have been manual clicks. Maybe also because I had half of my stake delegated out for years and am still at around 20%

I still break author earnings down to the sum effect of Author Content + Networking + Time. If someone. Wants more author rewards, sure content quality is important but will be frustrating to measure if you don’t pour yourself into networking, aka commenting.

When I want more author rewards, I keep rolling with content and then spend time hunting out community supporting folks like you. People with an enviable stake and look to use it to reward the people who take the time to intelligently comment on content. I probably would earn more if I simply created more posts and I often put more thought and effort into a comment than many put into their posts! ;)

As a Zeke #hive hack for the newer folks networking and commenting, include a picture in your comments to stand out from the others! Commenting = Networking and putting effort into commenting can grab the attention of friends like @solominer who use their stake to build the community one member at a time.

So if you find yourself lacking comments, or up votes consider powering up some Hive.

I rather post on a properly working social network, where people naturally use the platform, and actually care about the content.

And the unique content naturally stands out on a properly working social network.

If people do not care about our content, when we have a lower amount of Hive power, then they would not care about it, if we would have higher amount of Hive power either.

They would only pretend to care.

And actually they would care only about our attention and about our upvotes.

And I do not want that.

This is why I am not powering up higher amount of Hive power.

You are posting on a proof of stake blockchain. Stake is quite important.

If you want to post on non crypto non stake platforms then you should post on minds or whatever else is out there.

Stake is quite important.

Not for me. And not for most people on the internet either.

I use every social network naturally. For the content.

Nowadays I post mostly in Facebook groups.

Even the smallest Facebook groups (for example a private Facebook group with a few hundred users) have more interaction than the entire Hive blockchain in general.

If Hive users would also focus on the content, then the platform would work properly, and probably the value of the Hive would be also better.

Nowadays most of them focus on the money.

Most so called curators are not even curators.

They often do not even see the content they curate. They do it automatically to maximize their so called curation rewards.

Most Hive users do not actually care about the posts. Often not even as a so called author/content creator/blogger.

This is how they ruin an otherwise technologically revolutionary platform (the Hive blockchain).

You make too many generalisations based on what appears to be your own negative experience. It's fine to say things in your opinion but you can't paint "most" curators and the like with such a broad brush.




It is not only my negative experience.

Look around (even for a few minutes) on the platform, and you will see the same in general.

Some posts even has hundreds of upvotes, and 0-3 comments.

Many Hive posts often has only bot comments.

Most Hive posts are ignored/overlooked because of the general lack of the real content consumers.

Thousands of people left the platform in the previous years because of this.

And multiple active Hive users mentioned in the recent past that they have the same experience.

Yeah I'm sure the bear market like with all cryptos had nothing to do with people being less active here in the last few years.. lol

When people say bitcoin, or whatever altcoin is dead during the bear markets I find it hard to take them seriously.

This is exactly the main problem with this platform (or rather with most of the users of this platform).

They focus so much on the monetary aspect that they forget (do not even care) about the content.

And the general lack of the content consumers is not even the only problem on Hive.

Some people literally force themselves to write dozens or even hundreds of comments in one day.

In the recent past someone on the Ecency Waves wrote that he/she wrote 150 comments in one day, and that he/she is really tired because of it.

Some of the active Hive blockchain users currently see the interactions as some kind of challenge/competition/contest.

The natural usage is currently very rare on the Hive blockchain.

By the way, many people left the Steem/Hive blockchain even in the bull market. But many more left in the bear market.

I know it's not good idea but I want the Hive value to lower so that I can buy more Hive to power up. 😁😁 Anyway, thank you for the additional input.😊😊

Haha me too actually.. no problem

and I thought the market would fall down based from the previous days.😄😄

September is historically a bad month for BTC.. so we may not see many more drops now.. who knows for sure though.

Oh.. so, it was already expected last month.😊 Many hope it will not happen this month.😄


Hopefully October will be better

Lots of green in your data.😊😊

Most will make far more as an author than a curator as most don't keep their stake.


Learning is a really long process, I just learned a few tips from your post.


I took a peek at your Hivestats page because I considered your sharing the link as permission for me to do so. 😅

You're doing great with both your author and curation rewards, nice job! That’s something I aspire to achieve in my journey too. It may take me years of investing my time, effort, and a portion of my salary, but that's okay, as I'm enjoying my investment here on Hive. I mention this because there are plenty of ways to grow here, both actively and passively, just like what you’re doing.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your insights. I believe it's important for your readers (myself included) to pay attention to curation rewards too and how it can help boost their growth on the platform as well. !PIZZA


No worries that is why I shared it. Best of luck on your journey here. Mine has been quite the experience.

Useful science once your brother actually selects good content creators Thank you for the knowledge

Glad to share my thoughts

Good evening my brother ♥️

After reading this post I got some new knowledge and opened my insight, of course it is very useful, thank you for sharing ♥️

Glad my post was insightful.

As long as we earn excellent rewards, I think that both are good, but definitely if I have to stick with one, it is with healing rewards since this way I also support users whose posts I find interesting.

I am a moody user and never have a brave to make relation to the curators.
I try my best to keep going as author and as a user to others good authors. I enjoy hive walking XD.

I came here to support you because I like posts about mushrooms.

And whoever thinks this is a random comment is quite wrong.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@manclar(2/5) tipped @solominer

I need to put a bit more focus into my secondary account that I use for sports content. My commenting on my main account is pretty dang good, but I really lag behind on my other account. Probably with my curation too.

I am more in Content creation, and I don't have more HP yet to focus on curation, Though I curate and critique other blogs.