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RE: ??

in #hive2 years ago

TI will not talk much and only answer questions at the Hive Bar on Thursday from 7 pm onwards (it's best to write a list of questions and accounts if you need me to answer like above).Fo those who are following this is the english translation of the comment by @manncpt

If Sophie and I don't feel comfortable despite the personal protection I organized purely as a precaution, we reserve the right to leave much earlier than 10 pm.

If you have even the slightest interest in the monthly continuation of #HiveMeetupVienna, then defend the accounts in your community as a witness!

@sofibofi and I are being downvoted by the anonymous condeas and his accounts. Sofi has already lost a lot of RP from 58 to 36. Is that justified?

I will decide on Thursday evening how things will continue with Hive. If the community does not help us, this will be the last Meetup in Vienna that I organize and we will withdraw all investments as soon as possible. Then you can meet again with your harmonica at a wine tavern of your choice if he manages to come back to Austria...

Your response to @artforhelp (by the way, it's been 5 years since 2018) is not what I and many women expect. The topic of violence against women is very relevant today! There are completely different accounts that don't belong here. I can also answer you about the others you mentioned at the meetup.