Random Thoughts and Ideas

in #hive7 months ago

This whole post is a mind dump of me just thinking about random topics and the possible ideas for things are dao is doing so if you dont like random thoughts do not read this lol.

Has anyone thought of accumulating as much DEC and cheap land plots as possible as well as cheap alpha cards and beta cards instead of CL cards to lower the cost of the DEC req to be staked as the extra DEC could go in the USDC/DEC lP V3 on pancake swap earning 50-90% APR and getting USDC and DEC rewards which make it better than receiving SPS as you can use the USDC to increase investments on say GMX or HMX earning a much higher yield as well as lending protocols like AAVE,RDNT etc which have yields on stables typically in excess of HBD or close to it with much less risk involved as HBD does have quite a bit of risk to it in my opinion but it has its place in the portfolio but should not be what people rely on for stable yields all together. People must have non HIVE and SPL related cash flow in order to be able to take full advantage of bear markets and accumulate cheap assets to then expand when everyone is dumping with the dry powder and cash flow not related to SPL in order to supercharge earnings later.

Also related to bots has anyone researched a single deck that is likely to beat the majority of bots and what they are currently playing by locking in that deck and order and just going for the battles it can win consistently? Seems like it may be the cheaper option or one that might with a lux and maybe a line up for each deck with a lux or dragon summoner plus many neutral cards might be the way to go to farm merits, gladiolus cards as well as soul bound cards which if you want to get self sufficient soul bound and gladiolus accounts is what you probably need to do at scale. Once a account generates income you can keep building it until you have many doing the same then create a token that is based on the expected cashflow and nav of the cards and bot etc and sell that in various rounds via a DAO using multisig hive wallets and xDAO to govern on BSC the overall organization and its revenue streams. We plan on utilizing this method and various other cash flow generation methods that mainly work behind the scenes such as node operations, market maker operations, card rentals, botted accounts in wild and NFTY managed accounts in modern in order to advance and level up the main guild plus a second and so on until there are a large number of accounts that can be botted with no additional cards and rent cards for brawls and tournaments to compete at higher levels while using the free cards to generate rewards in wild. Probably would need to eventually use the free bot or modify it as well as modify the market makers to adj prices much faster and perform various techniques to get better fills and make the markets more efficient. Also we plan on setting up a OTC desk to trade large lots of accounts and tokens at pre determined prices in cash or other off chain payment methods to not impact the markets as well as start offering structured products such as selling covered calls on SPS and other DAO units as well as cash covered put options as derivatives of SPS, GLX, and COLONY. The land tract that we own will be rebating its tenants with a pro rata share in the grain/dec lp as well as a BSC usdc/dec lp v3 position, as well as GMX arb to pair with the staked SPS, GLX, and COL when they have WETH pairs on arb. Another interesting idea would be to have a banking system in splinterlands with a entire stock exchange of structured products like a token representing all three staked daos as liquid staked SPS,COL,and GLX and trade it against liquidity pool backed tokens that have sps/dec dec/script sps/colony glx/glusd and other pairs backing the tokens and have the two be paired as a single token swap pair but each token would produce yield and change the values of the underlying assets therefore increasing or decreasing each tokens price. The tokens would have a redemption limit of 5% per week in order to make the redemptions not impact the performance. A algorithmic bot utilizing a custom volume and price indicator maybe a interesting idea in order to gauge market maker settings and know when to increase or decrease the spreads. Or have SPS backed HIVE where SPS Nodes, staked sps and sps/dec lps acquire hive when prices are relatively low and HBD when they are high in order to provide liquidity for part of the HIVE/HBD lp as well as eventually use leo finances new project allowing hive to be moved to different chains and provide liquidity there. At least 50% of the income will be used to buy HIVE and STEEM as curating on both platforms will be a profitable thing to do and bring the steem profits back to HIVE and farming the layer twos on steem as well as useing AI on steem as its not allowed on HIVE but other platforms can use AI to post thousands of posts even getting a few cents a post would yield significant income to purchase HP and HBD growing the account to eventually host a witness node and pay people 90% of the nodes profit who vote and delegate a TBD amount of HIVE power on a exponential scale or a higher return by locking in a low rent delegation via hive engines market for say 1% for 26 weeks plus the persons share of the node revenue and the 10% that does not get distributed goes to a LP that will grow until it can provide meaningful distributions of 50% of the income to the node supporters or provide a higher apr on the HBD token for anyone delegating to our witness node. Our plan is to compensate voters and delegators for supporting our node with the net profit it makes as well as using as small portion to buy sps as well as help the ecosystem by burning sps no matter what to get dec for the sps/dec lp so the supply is consistently lowered. Curation will also be done via a curation trail to support the best content and will be known which content we will vote on a day early so people can vote as well before we vote with our trail as the content will be reblogged to one of our curator accounts to vote it. We will also follow everyone who votes our posts as well as our tbd wittness node or ends up being part of the Honey Badger Conclave DAO or any activity under the dao which is built on xDAO on BSC and will be a DAO that invests in e sports and digital asset gaming mainly on HIVE as well as a few other games as well as infrastructure for gaming like IMX staking, DEFI and other instruments not related to gaming so if one investment takes a hit the whole DAO doesn't go down. The DAO will post NAV daily in a detailed down to the investment report so that people know exactly what we are invested in not like many of the funds out there that are not transparent. There will be two types of dao units GPs which are the voting and manager units and lPs which all GPs have as well but LPs will be used for the majority of the unit holders as passive investors with a vote that will be taken of the LP unit holders in order for the GP unit holders to make decisions. Ultimately the DAO will be run by the GP unit holders which are the people who have invested significant time or capital into the dao as well as work well with the team. Anyone can be a LP unit holder once the public offering is started on the xDAO marketplace but there will be private offerings in between then to partner with other projects to accomplish mutually beneficial goals and partnerships. We also will be investing in various HIVE daos like SPS, GLX , COL, AQL, HIVE itself and will use some of the extra income from other platforms to support the DHF and do are part to fund hives projects and grants so that it can keep functioning. The amounts may not be large at first but we expect significant capital from private sources this year which will take the fund from self funding to being funded by other sources including debt financing as well as other crowdfunding products to raise capital once the cash flow and operations have had a proven track record of profitability. Listing on a site like start engine or republic would be the last step in the process as those funding rounds are done under reg cf or reg A and can raise significant capital via small non accredited investors for a low cost compared to some of the other methods. Likely we will go for the 5 million dollar capital raise and have a hybrid convertible note which has a conversion price at the end of the term or if the options included do not need the strike the note is extended and payed down over another 5 years with principal and interest as the first years will be interest only. About 25% of the DAO will be pure gaming investments with the rest invested in digital assets, private investment rounds for early stage ventures, vc, private equity and hedge fund interests in the digital asset space and traditional real estate investments to avoid paying tax as well as diversify the returns. The fund should be able to not generate a tax liability in the US if the proper allocations are made as well as tax planning is done to ensure that the DAO is treated as a mark to market trader in securities but not commodities so that it can take advantage of unlimited losses when it would say short the btc etf and go long btc and swap out the short when it is in a loss position creating a ordinary non passive loss and immediately switch over to say shorting on GMX to collect a funding rate. All loss positions would immediately be sold and bought back any time possible to rack up capital losses as there are no wash sale rules and passive real estate syndications in mobile home parks , tax liens, specialized industrial properties say for mining data centers would be invested in to diversify cash flow and also allow the fund to offset any passive income with accelerated losses for tax purposes. As long as the DAO invests x in real estate per year the leveraged nature and favorable us tax rules will allow us to profit indefinitely without paying tax on any of the cash flow until the DAO stops investing in additional properties or tax shields then the piper must be paid but you can even avoid a lot of that by investing in opportunity zone funds where only the deferred gain will be taxed and then any appreciation after 10 years is never taxed again. The Belpointe Reit is a publically traded partnership that is a OZ fund and can easily be invested in for this purpose until we have the capital to invest 10-50K in a private fund which usually will perform in the range of 15-40% IRR per year.

We also plan on exploring a non related betting casino funded by selling DAO units that will represent a 80% interest in the net profit after costs of operations. The casino will also have teams competing in the various races on moon karts to race for karts and allow people to make bets as well as bet the nfts on roulette to start where the pay out is in DAO units and the DAO takes any moon karts that are wagered and they become part of the DAO adding to NAV and funding the casino team to go participate in races and win COLONY as well as fund liquidity pools and splinterlands guilds in a JV with the HBC DAO.

Many of these things are planned out already and some like the decentraland casino are in the idea phase. Down the road we intend to benefit the Splinterlands and HIVE ecosystem with a claim drop depending on a specific funding source that would allow this to be possible with no dilution. In the case that this is successful a airdrop of dao units would be made specifically to Splinterlands Inc. and they can decide what to do with it as well as to the DHF in the form of a revenue share to make it less complicated and just provide funding in cash flow as well as some of the funding would go to the HBCD onboarding effort to use splinterlands related games to onboard people onto hive and spl as well as help them fund accounts. Each funded account will have a 10 year lock up on LP units of the dao as will any other airdropped unit with a then 5 year straight line unlocking period. The cash flow will be distributed based on the specific units terms as there will be various terms for the different tranches of units. The earlier units will have the best terms as they will be the people contributing time and or assets to the DAO in order to get it off the ground faster therefore taking more risk and receiving a higher reward. These units will not be publicly available and will be selecting people to offer them to who have skills we need and who want to actively participate in the governance of the dao. These members must be approved by the founding members to ensure that the team works well together. Starting out I will be personally funding the DAOs cash flow with a large portion of my earnings until it can stand on its own as well as from any other contributions members may make. In the beginning there will be very few considerations for GP units as we are mainly going to be bootstrapping the first phase to bring the valuation up to a level where we would like to raise capital at and also have a NAV that backs the price and is transparent to any investor.


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