End of season incoming!!!

in #hive3 years ago

The season will end in 4 days!
I'm always exited for the season rewards.
I hope to find my first legendary card!!!!

Today i rented CP to sit in Silver III.
I decided to rent about 13000 CP and enjoy the game at silver with different combinations of rules set and mana cap. I spent almost 6 seasons playing in bronze league and now tired me out!
I hope no one deny my rent until the end, is so lame when at the end of the season you lose CP.

Basically i rented three decks, water, fire and earth using level 2 summoners and standard set of GF cards. These combination of deck give me the opportunity to play in different rule set and be competitive in order to enjoy the game.

Now in silver III i have 2 daily rewards. Today water quest, i use one of my rented GF deck!
I found a card and 16 DECs, 5 less CP to 15000 goal! WOPWOP
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It took me 16 battles!

Two day ago i rented for one day at bronze II, two decks at level 2 and i earned in 95 battles (A lot of battles!) only 13.76 DECs basically i payout me rented cards and i did't enjoy the game because of the limitation of rule set and mana cap.
Today with less than half of battles i earned 16.26 DECs and i lowered my CR power at 70 % and i enjoyed the game. Tomorrow i will play again trying to improve my win streak!

How many seasons did it take you to find your first legendary card?
