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RE: Your Slack Has More Than One Leak

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

So if YouTube commenters start sending you hate suddenly YouTube is a toxic environment?

Listen little one, the world is severely both toxic and beautiful, and if you are going to throw yourself into the light of the sun, for profit, you should expect all kinds of energies to head your way regardless of your intentions. Peoples perceptions will always prevail.

Best thing you should do is mute anyone you don’t want to interact with, constantly creating content explaining yourself isn’t very becoming, most successful public figures have the backbone to understand all this.


It is about the user base, and what is worth putting up with. This is a small platform, growth and adoption should be, and as I was under the impression, is at the forefront here. You can not compare yourself to YouTube or Twitter. I'm pointing to the fact that this behavior & culture is a definitive barrier to adoption.

I'll re-iterate one more time "use the mute, luke"

You're under a mistaken impression, if you believe that the highest priority here is on growth and adoption. They are desired, of course, but this and dare I say all legitimate crypto platforms are driven by ideology, not by the goal of being the biggest. The ideology of Hive is decentralization to create a trustless platform and freedom from true censorship. This is posted about quite frequently, so its hard to understand how you could miss it. On the censorship issue, I suggest you listen to some videos by @theycallmedan, if that's your preferred medium (I actually don't like to listen to video/audio, as I can read/learn quicker from the written word).

Okay. I don't feel like thats a great answer, you guys are clearly looking to onboard more people onto Hive & I've been advocating for just that. The issues I pointed today create a barrier for that adoption. That's all I'm saying.

I feel like you're just ignoring half my words, so I'll start by repeating them: the primary ideological goal for the social media portion of Hive is freedom from censorship. You seem to be arguing that we should apply some form of censorship to one of our users, because he's a huge barrier to adoption of the platform. What you seem to fail to understand, is that from our point of view, censorship freedom is more important than just platform growth. When you argue for centralized censorship, you're directly arguing against our core beliefs.

This is what the largest stakeholders here mostly believe, from what I know. I'm not contending that this is the view of the world at large. To anyone paying attention, it should be clear that there has lately been a movement to increasing censorship on most centralized platforms. Large stakeholders here generally believe that the purpose of this platform, in part, is to fight this form of centralized censorship.

Instead of centralized censorship, the platform allows for individuals to individually control the information they receive, by muting people they don't want to be bothered with. All your arguments continue to ignore acknowledging this as a possible solution to the problem you posit. I'm a bit confused at this point why you continue to ignore this option, even though it's been mentioned to you by several people, from what I can tell.

That’s the problem people have with you.

You just said “you cannot compare yourself” instead of “we cannot compare ourselves”

You aren’t really committed to hive, from what Ive gathered so far.

Social justice warriors get destroyed in the crypto world, also, many here know all about Bernie, we don’t need you to lecture us about it.