Here's a truth-serum-inspired rant reply you may see, or no one will ever see... self-therapy.
I've tried for years to appeal to those who "matter here," and have accepted that I simply will never appeal to them. They don't care about me. Few do. That's clear.
I won't tag the right people in my posts/comments, or harass them with replies to stay top of mind and kiss ass. Maybe that's why I'm where I am, or my "content" sucks that much. I've accepted my mediocrity HERE, but am fully aware that I bring immense value to society in the real world, even if people barely respect it here.
When I do get those autovotes for $0.80-$1.10 once a day, most are from people I've earned legitimate rapport with over the years. I have no favor with the newly anointed Hive Gods, and am virtually ghosted by most. Maybe I called a spade a spade too many times before and ticked someone off, or I'm that irrelevant. Thankfully, I do have a few moderate accounts that endorse me to let me know that I have some value here, but it's hit or miss. Most of the time, I'm writing for the 5-10 people who consistently appreciate what I do, that make sure to let me know that I'm worth something around here with nice comments. Those people are immensely appreciated and the only reason I've hung on this long.
Seeing the BS auto/overpaid posts you rightfully called out rubs it all in my face any time I try to enjoy myself by browse. It's ruined my view and how I feel around here, and I'm not sure I can or should recover.
I've met, interacted with, and observed many of these people for a long time... and many are average Joe's who've mined or bought influence/leadership, despite being sorely unqualified, toxic, or counter/unproductive. Some are awesome and I'm thankful they're here, but most are self-serving, faking it til they make it, and trying to wear hats that don't fit.
People have essentially invented their own position as influencers, soaking in the interviews and pedestals, yet they suck at influencing.
This place is a petri dish for delusions of grandeur, and those who stroke the egos of the inner circle guard and/or trumpet Hive win this crypto high school popularity contest. To piss on the wound, excessive favoritism/lopsided rewards makes authors think that they're Shakespeare with a fucking golden quill. It's an insult to the intelligent and aware, but that's how it is, and speaking up won't do shit.
I applaud those who have principles and leave when they realize the inequality and time-suck. It's finally broken my commitment, so I'll keep powering down what I've manually earned because I don't like feeling bought into a warped social and economic structure. I hope it works itself out for the good apples, but that's not a strategy or likelihood, especially after the same root-issues from Steem resurface when the dust settles. I thought could hang on for that day, but I'm often happier and more productive in real life when I distance myself from this place. I get the sense that that's helped you too. Greener pastures.
I really like posting about what I enjoy, but my niches aren't popular. I'll still try for the sake of recycling, but it's often not worth the time when I can use that time to take more action. It's more fun to do the work or drum, than to post and hope that "this one" might be the one that gets me on the map to snowball some success. I'm happier on my own. Even if I hit a home run on a post, often via a curation pool, it's still 5-15x less than the BS posts consistent pull in. That sucks.
Thanks for speaking to use your platform. I wish I had that exposure so I could try to do that same, but am glad someone can be rebellious for the rest of us.