There are the websites that can supply you with the free attribution images in case you are not a visual person. There is absolutely no reason why you wouldn't have a nice cover on top of your post. Just don't forget to source it on the end of a post.
I know that some people think it is stupid and unnecessary, but we had so many individuals pretending to be Instagram artists or taking random images online and ascribing all that to themselves. We also had YouTube videos uploaded to our video frontends and culprits taking credit...
It is not the same category of a fraudulent activity, but there is no problem in attribution, you can even make it not visible from the frontend and install it inside of a code.
This is a list of the websites where you can find free images:
- https://pixabay.com/
- https://unsplash.com/
- https://stocksnap.io/
- https://www.pexels.com/
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/
- https://www.freeimages.com/
- https://librestock.com/
- https://www.motosha.com/
- https://gratisography.com/
If you are doing the product reviews, you can link in an image from for example Amazon or eBay, or a shop where they sell that item. Shopping images are treated the same as Free Attribution and usually have a watermark with a shop address or a name. This doesn't apply to artwork.
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