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RE: On the Etiquette of replying to comments on Hive...

in #hive2 months ago

I will respond to most comments, but it can be a lot of work. I feel a bit embarrassed if I get a lot of votes, but no comments on a post. I want it to get real engagement and not just auto votes.

I have seen some fairly big or very active accounts who rarely reply. There was some guy who I asked about this and he said 'but I am a content creator'. No votes from me then.


'but I am a content creator'

it is the new social media thing, you should not read comments :D

i get the thing for super famous people, kinda, when there is thousands of comments and most of them are "spam" or "hate" comments, but i must say it just losing the point. but i did start the internet journey on mIRC and forums so "talking" to people was the actual point :)

I think around here talking is most of the point, no one's content is that good it puts them into that megastardom, literally no one.

Sounds like a pretty arrogant guy! I do like comments, but I'll also take the votes, lots of votes with no comments all the time would be a little hollow.

It would be daft if Hive was only about votes. We do actually have interesting posts that trigger discussion. Of course posts about Hive get a lot of attention.

That's for sure it's good to see some drama every now and then too!