Work and family are more important than this Hive nonsense, but it's good to have you back.
I did a post about my solar set-up and I know you have some panels too. It would be interesting to get an update on that.
Work and family are more important than this Hive nonsense, but it's good to have you back.
I did a post about my solar set-up and I know you have some panels too. It would be interesting to get an update on that.
Yes that's true Steve , family is indeed more important. But on a certain level, the time we have been here (for me with some pauses) is looking like a bit of Hive-Family too :) ... I will have a look at your solar-panels post, interesting. In the Netherlands there are some developments around energy in general. That makes it less interesting for people now, at this moment, to take solar panels. I will write a post about this soon and then directly our specific situation and yield :)