I don't like confrontation but the reality as far as my opioion goes is: whales attacking a well-known crypto influencer is bad for Hive, bad for business, and bad for the entire Hive ecosystem as well as the entire crypto ecosystem. The question for me always is this: why is the energy being directed in such a negative way towards @cryptofinally?
I am not on anyone's side, but I do recognize one thing: none of us will EVER agree or like EVERYONE. This situation is about maturity, and the ability to let people be. I don't go around and ruin people's parties on Hive just because I disagree with their opinions, content and philosophy. I let them be.
And in fact, @cryptofinally has brought people to Hive, so attacking her is like throwing away a lot of the hard work, energy and momentum that a lot of us have achieved on Twitter and on here. One of her tweets about Hive generated the most replies and traction that ANY hive tweet generated. By attacking her, you are throwing away that energy.
Hive needs users, and people who are visible to bring in more users. This is just business sense.
@cryptofinally, many of us have been attacked by Bernie, myself included. I had the same reaction as you and it does suck. When it happened to me, many years ago, I just made the decision to persist, despite being downvoted. I would suggest you do the same.
Even though I am not your fan as I don't really like selfies and how you exploit your body to gain your following, I recognize that the world is a place where differences exist, and people are different. I am tolerant, as I believe the world needs more tolerance, not less.
Bernie: I think the verbal attacks should stop. That kind of stuff does a lot more damage than I think you realize. This is business, and we are all involved. I see your vicious attacks as damaging both to people and to business. Is it possible that you can just let people alone whom you don't like or disagree with? Is that possible?
Attacking people who are influential (whether you like them or not) is a bad look for all us.
We should fork out bernie stake as what we did with steemit inc. That should teach him a lesson. Hive is an example witnesses are able to fork out whomever they want. We should fork out bad actors too. Hes no different than steemit inc. Using his stake to abuse people for years. We should really start considering abusive whales to be forked out.