I would venture to suggest that we still have almost no idea where the blockchain will go, what the functions will evolve to be, just how many use cases will emerge and how large the community will become.
5 years feels like quite a chunk of time but in this brave new world, tis but the blink of an eye. I for one am not one of the tech-savvy young whippersnappers who will blaze a trail or chart the way, I use Hive in the only ways I know how and in a way that feels natural to me.
Ad a semi-luddite approaching that sweet point of mid 50's I feel surprise and profound gratitude that I am here at all, it seems quite implausible to think about.
I was in my 30's before I used a PC and even the concept of basic coding seems akin to alchemic, mystical knowledge so I kinda understand why most are not here yet, but as knowledge drip... drip... drips it's way in to the consciousness of the masses, this will change, I have always been absolutely unwavering in that belief and see nothing that makes me feel the need to evaluate.
Who can predict that sweet point where critical mass is achieved and mass adoption becomes a reality?
To be honest, I never thought mass adoption in it's truest sense was necessary for Hive anyway.
I intend to continue enjoying ringside seats and occasional toe dipping as we see the evolution of our very own blockchain and the community gathered upon it.
The only thing I could foresee to stall anything I said above is the appearance of a Justin Sun like character, but I have posted sentries at every exit to guard against this and we have a brain point reference that we seen one off, (in a sense), we are strong enough to do it again 😉
Happy Friday Sir.
I'm a little older than you, but started using computers in my teens, so I've seen it all evolve. I still think that blockchain is a radical technology that has real applications, despite what some may say. We have seen that it doesn't have to just be for geeks and 'crypto-bros' (whatever those are). Hive has musicians, artists, knitters, storytellers and more. I think there is massive potential for growth in all those communities. A lot of people are fed up with the big platforms and would like alternatives. Hive should be an option for them.
Happy Friday to you too.