Nice work Stoodkev & Co.!
Obviously there's still some minor stuff to fix up ( mostly old steem references ), but for the most part it's looking pretty fancy :^)
If you'd like to get your hands on the Hive-based KeyChain, before it officially launches on the extension store, follow these steps:
- go to the github repo
- click
Clone or download
- click
Download ZIP
- save it somewhere on your computer
- unzip it to a folder ( like one called "hive-keychain" )
- on chrome / brave, go to your extensions page ( you should be able to find the link in the menu )
- enable "developer mode" & then click
Load unpacked
- navigate to where you saved the unzipped keychain download
- select the root folder that all the files are in
- there you go!
If you're on FireFox, I'm pretty sure the steps are mostly the same. If you run into any bumps, try googling stuff like: "How to load unpacked extensions in [your browser here]", or: "How to enable developer mode for extensions in [your browser here]".** Searches similar to that should help.
Feel free to also just ask me for any assistance! I'll be on later tonight to respond :^)