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RE: Medical Freedom / Anti-Lockdown Protest - Tel Aviv 15 Feb 2021 + Rapeh Party on Hive

in #hive4 years ago

There was a great atmosphere and it was completely peaceful.
You are lucky to be able to protest, in France, the cops target those they seek to disable, that's why I wouldn't go to protest.

I saw something on i24 fr, about covid passport... what a bunch of moron. I hope there will vaxx free gun range !

Otherwise there is always the "hill billies lifestyle" :).

good luck , I hope you win !


@spaminator & @guiltyparties Please explain your automatic downvote on @sweecee's comments on my post. They are entirely legitimate and not spam at all.

The auto downvote by @spaminator is fixed. It was a software mistake or something.

Yes, that's one key difference in Israel - very little cop brutality, unlike the fascist cops in Australia where I'm originally from.

In Israel the government is leading the world in stupid Corona lockdowns and vaccine coercion, but the Israeli people are leading the world in ignoring and passively resisting stupid rules.

Of course in a country where almost everyone has military training, cops that behaved like fascists would have a short career (or lifespan).

Nothing like police knowing that the people they are policing are just as good in combat as they are to keep everyone peaceful. There is also a greater sense of social cohesion so most police actually feel part of the people they are policing.