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RE: Status of SBDPotato on Steem and Hive (Enter: HBDPotato!)

in #hive5 years ago

Please stop the robotic system on hive market. Hive community is a new market & the market haven’t enough members right now. Someone continuously doing scaming with hive market.

The user name is

He broke the market system for earning more fund from your robotic system trading. He always doing market down and took advantage from @hbdpotato. That's why other members leave on hive market. These is too much harmful for hive market.

Please that is not a perfect time for using bot on hive market. Stop the scaming. He is a big scammer & trying to broke the market.


How does he break the market exactly? Is fixing the peg and the debt ratio not more important than some guy buying the Hive that @hbdpotato is selling for HBD?

This is important but this guy buying hive everytime from @hbdpotato by cheating way. First of all he sell his hive on bittrex then buying hbd on bittrex then he selling hbd on hive market especially for @hbdpotato. That's why he doing down the hive matket for want to earn extra balance. That's why other members are leaving from the market because always he trying to go up other’s order like a robot.

You doing excellent job for hive platform but please be careful about these issue & follow his activities.
Thank you.