I thought this was going to be a VISIONARY post..
Like a "What Hive could have been" post.. because that tittle makes it seem like it was going to talk about What Hive could have been.
I have always know what Steemit and now Hive... is.
A tragic and at times valiant shitshow of human personalities and egos. Who thought they were revolutionary with some basic 'rewards for "quality" content' system.. that then evolved into 'rewards for blind upvotes on a dirt trail' system.
YET it was always actually (and still is) a convoluted game of money... on a basic pretend social platform. 2021 might be a better year.. actually 2021 MUST BE A BETTER YEAR. Or this is just going to fade into the abyss, where majority of blockchain projects have ended up in.
I know I'm not in the SPIRIT OF HIVE with this but really someone needs to point out why big money doesn't fuck with this. TO FORK is TO FUCK UP. No big investor would see that as a positive.. because what stops it from happening again when people again disagree and flex their emotions and ego??
There is no perfect system when humans are in charge.
The code however might one day achieve it, but it's a long way away from a product worth staying committed to unanimously.. and a long way away from a product that will take over as the new system from the established systems of internet.
There's plenty of dreamers, believers, visionaries here and that's great and all but in my time here this year during lockdowns I've realised that all this is IN HOUSE. NOT ONE of those talking heads that make content for the people IN HERE are out there pushing that belief/vision to those who aren't in here. You know, to ATTRACT INVESTORS. WHY?? It's almost like they themselves do't really believe.. and really just do it to maintain those in here.. in here!
Sort of.. LIKE A CULT.
Then there's the cult leaders. I mean, coders.. who OK are doing things FINALLY.. but to them there's no urgency. Because clearly they are favourably skimming from that rewards pool. Some getting multiple dips. So why the hell would you hurry that?
So again, this Hive thing is a corrupt money game really.
SHARKS FEED while the majority users: THE KRILL are the food.
Buying in to a dream that will likely never be realised.
HPUD. HIVE POWER UP DAY among many initiatives to keep them dreaming.
Some are winning.. but honestly, most are losing. Because they're dedicating so much of their time and receiving peanuts. So then a system that promised to be better than the "GREEDY MAINSTREAM that doesn't give any rewards" is now understood as "YOU MUST WORK FOR IT MONKEY" ... and with the caveat of "not everyone gets rewarded"... On top there's a widely understood and almost mandatory extra condition: "YOU BETTER PROMOTE ON THE REGULAR SOCIALS IF YOU WAN'T TO GET NOTICED or you're not a good community member!"
At some point I wonder if the reason so many leave will be clear.
(sarcasm because I spelled it out quite clearly.)
2021 will need some major changes.