giving a creator 10$ is nice, but buying 10$ worth of their token is much better for the creator, as it establishes a market cap.
You hit the nail on the head there.
Until someone buys in, the token has no value.
There also needs to exist ability for that token to have value outside of that creator system. The establishment of an intuitive way to determine the value of each and every token created. Otherwise crypto is forever speculative, driven by hype.
That's why Blockchain/crypto is stagnant. There isn't a robust and unbreakable framework with a solid on/offramp into the real world.
Real crypto (i.e. not the scams) is robust and unbreakable - the key word there is "real". It's also what I call quality crypto, and it's what separates the winners from the losers.
"Stagnant"? Depends on where you look. In fact that could be a very good way to get a head start on separating winners from losers (again, after first filtering out the scams).
I agree though, onboarding needs improvement, true enough, but those that want in on quality crypto aren't having any problems getting in now, are they? ;-)
Yeah I simplify it like that because over 10 years on BTC has little use in the real world. Blockchain has limited use in the digital world and the 'unbanked millions' slash 'poor bastards' were not liberated like crypto promised.
I obviously believe in the long game and that those managing the development are pushing for that future. I believe in Hive even. Now that the talk of SMTs is making some new buzz noise maybe the honeypot will start to entice outsiders.
You're right on filtering too because once a truly able project takes off then the hype ones drop off and the competition between capable ones strengthens.
I don't see big money as evil. They back potential when there's probability for future profitability. As communities people just don't have the capital to do it alone. Even crowdfunding/patron as an example of community backed ideas, is still using infrastructure owned and managed by big money.
Crypto has no answer to that beyond ideas.
Maybe like George Jetson flying freely, is the Blockchain Future, but the construction of that technology where we no longer need to interact with the old system of road infrastructure is nowhere in sight.
Look at little Elroy though.. he's pondering something!
To summarize what I think we're both getting at: it's all about reasonable expectations. 😉
I fully agree that there has been way too much pie-in-the-sky. It's the P&D heritage, and it's what has held back legitimate crypto by giving it all a bad name (not to mention confusing what is essentially very simple and easy to understand).
That's what we're up against. Reality as it is.